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Saturday 10 May 2014

Banaras A New Political BattleGround

The city of Banaras has a unique religious and spiritual history and this city has distinction of finding reference in many ancient holy books.People have faith that visiting Kasi or Banaras gives freedom from birth and death cycle.Now this city has occupied another distinction of intense political battle between Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal and Ajay Rai.Of course Modi is Prime Ministerial candidate and Mr. Kejriwal is new political alternative  and the Congress candidate Mr.Ajay Rai is known in Purwanchal for his criminal record . In this political battle local issues have taken a back sit and non issues have taken the forefront.

Banaras had never seen before such intense poIitical battle because now this city will have a distinction of being represented by a PM candidate. Selection of Banaras as the seat for Modi had upset many political equations of UP.It is often said quotation that road to Delhi goes through UP.Arival of Modi on national political scene had already created many ripples in other political parties but his presence in Banaras has given big jolts to SP the ruling party and BSP the outgoing party both banking on backwards and dalit votes belonging to lower caste.BJP riding on Modi Wave has not only broken decades long political equations of these parties but was also able to swing these votes in its favor.It is the reason why both SP and BSP are in a state of shock .

Youth of modern India has decided to go along with Modi not for any other reason than to see better future and good governance,therefore majority of youth will support Modi.Since a large number of new votres are youth and their decision will matter in this election,therefore,anti BJP parties have tried to polarized the election on religious lines as well as on several other issues like Modi'wife land policy of Modi government and many more. But results are obvious to these parties.The Congress Party is fighting a lost battle as it neither has a leader nor any vision to take India in 21stcentury.Rahul Gandhi may look innocent but he is not considered to be mature enough to lead the nation.Unfortunately others leaders of Congress Party are lacking mass appeal and all India presence. For Mrs. Sonia Gandhi the time has passed and her foreign origin will not be acceptable by Indian people.

Mr.Kejriwal although has created a political hype but his credibility as a serious political leader is always doubted by political thinkers.He is media hungry person and there is no logic behind leaving Delhi and fighting election in Banaras.By doing so he has lost his political ground in Delhi and failed to make any impression on the national political scene.Infact Mr.Kejriwal has made many compromises and even played divisionist politics.If BJP is cricised for communal politics then no other party can be absolved from this charge.In India for winning elections Political parties are ready to use money ,muscle power and religion and any other things if these things are suitable for them and happening behind the curtain.

In fact election process needs revamping and election commission requires more power and vision to handle issues like  use of money during the  electioneering.Now it seems that every party and candidate is free to use whatever amount it feels required for getting votes.Rather how is it possible that most of the cabdidates are using helicopters and planes for month long compaigning.A bigger question who are the people behind this election financing.
Political rallies and road shows carried out by parties in Banaras for the last three days seemed to be a political incursion on its spiritual character and perhaps tried to destroy social and religious fibre. It not only disturbed common life of the people but also put great pressure on the administration.Political parties must remember that crowd does not mean votes  casted or support given. We all know that how crowd is managed and brought in rallies.Now every thing is over and Ganga is flowing in its normal course as if nothing had happened.Har har Mahadev is the final truth to be accepted and Mahadevam sharan gachami(let us go to Lord Shiva).Whosoever wins Banaras will wait for its development abd Ganga will wait for its purification.

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