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Thursday 22 May 2014

Boko Haram's Inhuman Acts In Nigeria

Boko Haram an organization founded by Mohammed Yusuf in 2002 to establish a pure Islamic State has done the most inhuman act by kidnapping 300 girls.This group was ealier known to be against Western Countries and particularly Christians has now played an arms twisting game by kidnapping act to free its members from jail.They call them jehadi but actually they are a group of terrorists who are harvesting on poverty,illiteracy ,underdevelopment and elite exploitation of people of Nigeria.It is a very sordid state of affairs in the politics of Africa that most of its countries are suffering from backwardness and poverty as a result these countries are very fertile land for the growth of terrorism.And the Boko Haram is one of them.It is very important to note that more than 10000 people have lost their lives in Nigeria in the  fight against Boko Harem.
              Picture of the girl freed by boko haram

According to Boko Haram they are fighting against everything which is anti Islamic as well as puritan movement of Nigerian government.Now Nigeria as a country is mostly ruled by military generals and population is mostly under privileged therefore development works are very slow and unsatisfactory therefore,there is great resentment against the government.This raises a big question where is Nigeria heading for?As both the government and military have failed to protect the ferocious and frequent attacks of Boko Haram,more than nine lacs people are displaced.In a poverty driven state ,terrorists organization can easily flourish and can find its fighters also.Mostly dominant in the Nothern Nigeria Boko Haram uses motorcycle borne terrorists to attack government officials  and as a result the government hsd to ban use of the motorcycles in the certain parts.
(Areas dominated by Boko Haram)↑

Boko Haram gets its finances by bank robbery and international donations.This organization also receives both strategical and arms support from Al Qaeda and other terrorists organizations,as a result it is operating in a few neighboring countries like Cameroon and Niger.This organization can be brutal to the extreme that it uses even child soldiers and child bomb.But in recent years it was facing difficulties in recruiting its soldiers.As a result it has taken this step to force brothers of these girls to join Boko Haram.

Now after the act of kidnapping not only neighboring countries but the international community has also been critical of this act and decided to teach Boko Haram a lesson.These countries met in France and decided to launch an all corner attract on Boko Haram.Meanwhile there is no trace of remaining girls as a few of them freed themselves.The parents of remaining girls are agitating and asking the government to do something on the urgent basis Let us hope that good sense prrvails on the terrorists and they free the girls.

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