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Thursday 22 May 2014

Denied Bail Kejriwal Goes to Jail

Arvind Kejriwal has made yet another political blunder on Wednesday 21st May 2014,when he declined to furnish a Rs.ten thousands personal bond, a simple legal requirement in defamation case filed by ex.BJP President Mr. Gadkari.It may be seen as reaping what Mr.Kejriwal had sown some months ago while labeling corruption charges against fifteen most corrupted people including Gadkari.Thanks Mr Kejriwal that you have made us aware that there are other institutions or the organizations than investigating agencies of Government of India, who are doing this wonderful job for the nation.But dear Kejriwal you and your party must know some legal provisions required for doing this.Every person is free to raise questions about the corruption charges about politicians or the government officials but not without any valid proof.Therefore, it was quite natural that any one who feels that his or her reputation was damaged will certainly move the court to get remedy.Therefore ,what Mr.Gadkari has done is fully justified and he has all the legal provisions to protect his reputation.Now what Mr.Kejriwal has done cannot be compared with the act of Mahatma Ganghi in Motihari court in 1915 to protect rights of the farmers.When Gandhi refused to take bail by paying Rs.1 the judge was gracious enough to pay from his pocket but Mr.Kejriwal you are not Gandhi and you are not so lucky.The workers of AAP needs to read history and if not  history will teach  a lesson.

Now questions arise about intension of Mr.Kejriwal and his party.Firstly, who has given authority to a group of people to raise such corruption charges without any valid proof? This was initially done with the intention of attracting people towards the party and no doubt it paid dividends to AAP.People thought that here is a crusader who is different from other politicians and ready to fight against corruption.In all the public meetings Mr.Kejriwal will take out a paper from his pocket ,like V.P.Singh did in 1989 saying that he will announce the name of people who have received kickbacks in the Bofors case,and will announce a few names and will label serious corruption charges.He used to receive thunderous applause for his courageous efforts but sensationalism may have short term gains ,however, in the long run it is bound to be dangerous.And Mr.Kejriwal is reaping what he had sown.

Now ,after drubbing in the general elections he was anxious to get media attention.According to some reliable sources Kejriwal is a media hungry person who doesn't like to be out of the limelight.Therfore, a simple legality was planned into a big occasion to mobilize his supporters and gain media coverage.To some extent it seemed that he was successful but it has done greater damage to the party.People of India are no more interested in such tantrums and political drama,therfore they remained aloof to AAP call for supporting the party move.The drama of dharna and protests at Tihar jail where Kejriwal was kept for three days ie upto 23rd May was a big flop and failed to draw attention of the people.

When Kejriwal was at the hight of his political rise every thing he did paid him big dividend but once he resigned from Chief Ministership of Delhi his bad time started.In this case too he could have easily averted his misfortune when the judge has asked for a personal bond of Rs.  ten thousands.Since he is charged under section 500 of IPC which  is bailable offences on furnishing personal bond but he declined.When the judge asked why do you want a separate treatment despite being a commonman,he said that he is crusading against corruption and will prefer the jail instead of bail.It reflects the mindset of Kejriwal and his guides who are hellbent upon challenging every thing  of the present system.

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