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Wednesday 27 August 2014

Flash points in the Indo-Pak Relationship

The relationship between India and Pakistan has never been friendly and supporting but both the nations tried to maintain a fine balance keeping in the view of regional peace in mind.But in recent years it often happens that tension builds up and cross border firings starts whenever there is  a chance of building friendly relationship. Some political analysts may subscribe this tendency as the establishment related problems but root causes of such an uneasy relationship requires a more in depth analysis. Since independence Pakistan had never been on the  peaceful terms with India. In1947-48 there were nomadic attacks on India and Pakistan declared its intention of claiming Kashmir to be the integral part of its territory or at least making Kashmir to be  a disputed territory. Since then there is a proxy war going on.In between there were two wars on the large scale and a small scale war of Kargil and in the all three wars Pakistan was badly defeated. 

After the war of 1971Pakistan realised that an open war with India is not a solution to its greater design of creating trouble for India therefore Pakistan decided to go for proxy war through terrorism and terrorists attacks. The period after 1972 remained little bit calm but political and military changes in Pakistan were very anxious to take revenge of three consecutive humiliating  defeats in the wars.As a result a new strategy was designed and devised ie of proxy war through terrorists attacks. The first trial of the new strategy wss experimented in Punjab during 1980's when separatists were encouraged and supported under a flagship demand for Khalistan. It not only disturbed Indian intelligence agencies but also the political class who failed to counter it for a long period and this encouraged Pakistan to further intensify its efforts. However after the Blue Star Operation and death of Indira Gandhi demand for the Khalistan lost its glaze and police operation have broken the backbone of the movement. 

Now Pakistan got the idea that it can start such separatist movements if religious beliefs are flared and a proper place is chosen and nothing can be a better place than Kashmir where accessability is more easy and ground is more fertile. Therefore the attention shifted from other places to Kashmir. Since then terrorists activities in Kashmir are on the rise and India is unable to find out a suitable solution to the problem of displaced KashmiriPandits.The successive governments both at the center and state are unable to deliver decisive policy measures to the people of Kashmir. On the other hand Pakistan was able to develop a group of separatists who have a soft corner and in the return they get all possible help from Pakistan. 

Time and again to create pressure on India , Pakistan creates hostilities at the border and often breaks Cease Fire on the LOC.The recent violations of cease fire in R.S.Pura and other areas are for creating pressure on India after the postponement of secretary level talks. Pakistan military establishment doesn't want a peaceful border and friendly relationship with India as it doesn't fit in its greater design of creating unrest in India. Although PM Modi started his  tenure at a very positive note by inviting all the heads of State from SAARC but it didn't go well with Pakistan as it was feeling troubled by rise of Modi stature. To interrupt the visit of Pakistan PM on the occasion of oath taking ceremony, Indian Embassy in Afghanistan was attacked but that too didn't deter Modi from his vision of including SAARC nations in the development process of Asia. 
Pakistan itself is in a troubled state as Taliban terrorists are challenging the authority of the government. Internal troubles are rising at the alarming scale. Future seems to be very difficult for Pakistan. 
The government of Nawaz Sharif is facing a serious threat from internal forces like Imran Khan and his supporters who are laying a seize in the capital.And this created once again a great opportunity for the army to play its role in the civil and political matters.Naturally to ease out internal tension Pakistani army once again creating a war fobia with India to divert the attention of the people.
The present disturbance in the Indo-Pak relationship can be also attributed to recent development like military disliking for Nawaz Shariff visit to India and to counter this friendly development Imran Khan and Qadari were encouraged start anti govt. movement.All members of Pakistan Tahreek e Imam(PTI) resigned in ptrotest and supporters of PTI and PTA moved towards Red Zone in Islamabad.As usually army got the upper hand and requested the government to talk with Imran Khan and Qadari to bring peace.At the same time this is the last month when the terrorists can cross the border.According to intelligence reoprts , large number of terrorists are waiting on different sectors of Pakistan to cross the border under disturbed situation.

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