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Friday 23 May 2014

Modi And Changing Equations of Asian Politics

The victory of BJP in 2014 general elections has opened a new chapter in foreign relations of India and neighouring countries like China,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Sri Lanka,Afghanistan and Bhutan.Modi will like to have a peaceful environment in the Asian continent because his main agenda is economic growth and prosperity of the region. As a result Modi has invited all the heads of the SAARC to attend Oath Ceremony of the new government on 26th May 2014.Before going into deeper analysis of this step let us know what development has taken place.Most of the head of State have gladly accepted the invitationas they were waiting for the new beginning in the relationship between the SAARC members but as usually Pakistan got involved in diplomatic tantrums and trying to gain attention more than other members countries.It is a common perception that Pakistan has become a politically sick nation that is the mother land of all terrorist activities and a source of destablity. Even western countries have also declared Pakistan a rogue state .

The intention behind this move to invite all the leaders of neighouring countries to  give an idea to what the new government feels about the region and what it expects from these countries in futuristic development programs. Modi in his various interviews explained that he wants friendly relations with all the neighouring countries based on mutual respect without downsizing any country but at the same time India can't allow any country to play foul with its area. This new concept went well with all the countries except Pakistan because it is not ready to accept changed situation.It has to play foul political game therefore firstly the PM of Pakistan invited Modi even before he became PM of India.Question arises why was Nawaj Sharif in great hurry to do so ?Because Pakistan wanted to put the ball in India's court and make a hue and cry over the issues if Modi doesn't accept his invitation.Normally head of States congrats each other on the victory in the elections and then wait for government to form and start functioning before going for bilateral talks.But Pakistan is in a great hurry only to further complicate the issues.Further Iit has to be remembered that Indo Pak relationship has to be viewed in the light of inluence exerted by army,ISI,Terrorists outfits and political establishment.Generally army and ISI are deadly opposed to any talk because it affects their existence and role in Pakistan.As a result Pak PM has very little choice to make in any diplomatic matter with India

As expected Pakistan started delaying its decision of accepting the invitation,only to gain attention and to do bargaining even before the talk.India's new government has come to the power with a different mindset and determination to deal with Pakistan.There is no reply from the government but BJP spokeperson has rightly said that now ball is in Pakistan court and the leadership of that country has to take a decision what it feels about future relationship with India.Since 1971 after the defeat in war,Pakistan has decided to fight a shadow battle with India and during 1980's it promoted terrorism in Punjab.After that when India was able to control terrorism in Punjab, it selected Jammu&Kashmir.Time and again there cross border incursions and firing to provoke India.Therefore it was expected that Pakistan will firstly create furor and then will take a decision.

But one thing that Pakistan must know that Modi government is not going to bear tantrums and will not allow Pakistan to play foul.It may adopt tit for tat policy and that is the worrying factor.As a result terrorist organizations are pressurzing Mr.Sharif not to go India.We know that not only the terrorists organisation but army too of Pakistan is not interested in smoothening the relationship with India.Therefore this media circus is going on.India knows that there are six more heads of States are coming who deserve equal attention and respect as a result it decided to play down the delaying tactics and drawing media coverage.

Now question arises why did Modi decide to invite SAARC memers on his swearing ceremony?Modi has a vision of becoming statesman of Asia by bringing new changes in economic and political equation.He has a clear mindset about the relationship which will be build up on mutual respect and inclusive growth of the region.Now it is for Pakistan to decide whether it suits to it or nor and where Pakistan find itself in the greater design of Modi Statemanship.There have been opposition to the invitation of Sri Lankan President also but BJP has not given importance to such demands as our foreign policy can not be state oriented and at the appropriate plateform the issues of Tamilian population will be addressed.

Similarly,with Bangaladesh ,India needs a broader vision to short out its outstanding issues like border disputes harbouring terrorists activities.Some times stern decisions are also required and strong message are to be given to these countries. Minor issues like water sharing can be solved using technical data.Similarly with Nepal we need issue based talks.In fact India's Look East Policy requires cooperation of all the countries so that interests of Asian countries can be safeguarded.Pakistan may feel isolated if it is not ready to bend its back but in the long run it will have to accept the policy of Panchtantra and peaceful co existence.

Modi vision for Asia is grand as he feels that without Asian Unification like European ,this region development prospects are not very bright.According to Modi Asia has tremendous potential and therefore cooperation among Asian coutries will open uo new vista.It will not be exgeration to say that twenty first century belongs to Asia and key to the power will shift from US to Asia.So the role of SAARC becomes very prominent and it is the reason why Modi wants SAARC to play dominant role in the economic and political matter.Modi this way wants to reduce  US interference in Asia and here he sees great role for him as a Stateman.

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