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Tuesday 13 May 2014

The End Of The Congress Era

The elections of 2014 represent a rise of a political power in Indian politics and end of a political era of the Congress.As it happened six months earlier in the Assembly elections, the century old Congress Party is down to the dust in the General Elections of 2014 also. The party which ruled the nation for more than 50 years, is now facing the worst times in its history.As indicated in the most of the exit polls ,the Congress Party is loosing badly and even may be limited to less than 50 seats and the BJP is gaining handsomely.What may be the plausible explanation for it is a big question before the party as well as before the political pundits(analysts).
In 2004,when BJP was riding high on India Shining wave  , then it was magic of Mrs Sonia Gandhi to unite Congress Party and forge an alliance with non BJP parties and ruled the nation for ten years under the leadership of Manmohan Singh.But these ten years are not so smooth and wonderful to give the party a launching platform in this general elections.At the same time there are many tactical mistakes by the central leadership which could cost very dearly to the party.Engulfed with many corruption charges,party went in the elections of 2014 with low moral and poor planning.The Congress Party went to the elections of 2014without any Prime Ministrial candidate as Manmohan Singh gas already anounced his decision to retire from the politics.It clearly created a lot of confusion among its workers.After that many of Congress senior leaders decision of not to fight the elections has further damaged prospects of the party.

Firstly, the projection of Rahul Gandhi as the next leader of the Congress Party does not appeal many people. He neither has political charisma nor pragmatism to influence the people.Moreover he is sorrounded by those people and advisors who themselves have no political background or understanding of Indian politics.He also failed to convince people that he is capable of taking the country out of the mess and he also failed to energize party workers that party can win the elections on the progressive agenda.What the Congress lost was the opportunity to groom Rahul Gandhi as a leader of mass acceptance by putting him in the cabinet at the second position as the finance minister or foreign minister and allowing him to learn the method of governance.But there was great arrogance among family and well wishers of Gandhi that like his father Rahul should become PM directly without holding any position in the government. From his inexperience, emerged his bad days when  surrounded by sycophants he failed to take right decisions at the right times.

Secondly projection of Manmohan Singh as PM left no scope for any other leaders to outshine him in governance.As a result on several occasions ,Congress Party gave indications of difference between the party and government and the theory of dual power centre.Many immature overtures of party leaders have also done irreparable damage to the government.There was common notion in the political circle that government is being run by the people not belonging to the cabinet as a result the credibility of the government was always doubted.All these factors led to down fall of the party from the leading  position  to being ruined.

Attitude of party leaders  rushing to Sonia Darbar for every direction was another reason for the downfall of the party. This gave rise to the theory of two power centers. In fact the government was reduced to a kitchen government being run by a power and position hungry people without any political backing and mas support. For every success Mrs.Sonia Gandhi or Rahul Gandhi is responsible and for every failure Manmohan Singh is responsible has done enough damage to the party. The people of India were bemused for ten years how a learned person like Manmohan Singh is being humiliated for projecting,a novice person like Rahul Gandhi as PM.

Finally, when Congress Party went to the poll, it has nothing to boast of but only to defend itself for all the corruption charges and its misdeeds.In fact Congress Party centered its poll strategy towards criticism of Modi which bounced back badly.It looked that Congress Party was advertising for BJP.Now chances of Congress revival are bleak and unless and until Mr.Modi and his government(if it is formed) makes huge blunders,then Rahul Gandhi as PM will be a day dreams.Why I am concluding so because Modi as I know is not going for short term gains and governance.He has a bigger dream and plan to establish BJP and to finish Congress. In States like MP,Rajasthan,Chattisgarh,Gujarat and West Bengal ,Cnogress Party was fighting elections without any leader or planning as a result outcomes are well known to the party. Therefore it seems that 2014 elections may be a farewell to the Congress Party.

Finally some political sycophants may persue a new theory of bringing Priyanka Gandhi into the active politics.Will it work is a big question?Today political situation are different from that of 20th century when voters were assosiciated with family or personality.But still no harm in trying her as she may give a new direction to the party and save the country from being unipolar political system.

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