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Sunday 13 April 2014

The Inside Story of Making of PM Manmohan Singh

The  CongressParty which was responsible for  India's freedom struggle and leading the nation after independence, is struggling for its own survival today because has lost its credentials in the eyes of the people. Today  the Congress Party symbolises  corruption, controversy and incumbency.And hardly a day passes without any new controversy about it. For a long time it were 2G, Commonwealth , and Coalgate controversies making life of Congress leaders difficult to find suitable explanations but last nails in its coffin is Sanjay Baru's book "The Accidental Prime Minister Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh".It has all the materials for opposition during the election time to blast the Congress Party . Mr. Baru was the press advisor of the PM ,therefore, his revelations cannot be taken lightly and cannot be shrugged off so easily. The theory of two Power Centers often given by the opposition parties is corroborated by this book. The book also reveals that how clean and honest image of Manmohan Singh was used and misused for personal gratification and how was Mr.Singh sidelined in the process of  decision making .

Let us look into the history of the Congress Party.It seems to the many people that the Congress Party cannot survive without Gandhi family as it happened when Rajiv Gandhi died and under Sitaram Kesari pesidentship and Narsimha Rao Prime ministership the party almost lost its traditional vote bank and support base but in my opinion Gandhi family itself cannot survive without Congress.The commonmen might have percieved that Mrs.Sonia Gandhi was brought to the centre stage  to rejuvenate the Party but according to the insider report she came to the centre stage to facilitate smooth transition of power and leadership from non Gandhi club to Gandhi family. It is hard to believe that the lady who was keeping distance from the politics decided to lead from the front. But the time was opportune for her grand entry into politics as BJP failed to repeat its performance despite good performance of Bajpai government. Very systematically all opposition to Gandhi family were removed and now road was clear for the next generation of Gandhi family to come to the forefront of the Congress Party ie Rahul Gandhi. Since there was opposition for Mrs. Sonia Gandhi to become PM due to her foreign nationality ; the Accidental Choice Manmohan Singh was made. Now question arises why was Manmohan Singh when there were many leaders ready and even more powerful than him to lead the Congress Party? Here it is important to note that Pranab Mukherjee was a very strong leader and mostly acceptable to Congress Party leaders but he was not accepted by Mrs. Gandhi because he was not manageable.

    There is a big question was Mrs Gandhi wanted a rubber stamp PM who will never raise any questions and will follow whatever comes from 10th Janpath? Mr.Singh having no political background and clout was more suitable in the greater design of future plans of Mrs. Gandhi ie preparing roadmap for Rahul Gandhi. Since opposition to Gandhi family either silenced or suppressed , the Two Centers of Power  imerged and the destiny of the  country  was not being shaped at PM office and by the Cabinet but at 10th Janpath as claimed by many media persons and opposition leaders.  Now question arises who was running the government an PM and his cabinate or an unofficial leader? To facilitate her control over PMO , the Congress party had created National Advisory council (NAC) and appointed Mr.Pullok Chaterjee , an old faithful officer from Amethi in PMO.It is alleged that Mr.Chaterjee will go to Madam Sonia Gandhi to show all the files and will brief her about every cabinet decision.To create even greater control , all political matters were decided in NAC and not by political affairs committee of the government.
Insiders reveal that most of the orders used to come from the second power center and be that officials in PM office or in any others position were decided by 10th Janpath and even ministers used to take orders from that superior office and not from the PM. The book quotes many incidents when ministers did not report to the PM after foreign tour. The Cabinate started functioning like unknown body of leaders not responsible to PM. Loyalists to Gandhi family started getting preference Ianin decision making developed a carefree attitude towards Manmohan Singh and it is this period when maximum number of scams have taken place. Knowing what is happening in the government , Manmohan Singh was unable to do anything to check corruption or he meekly surrendered to the destiny. This was a fatal misjudgement and disservice to the nation by the PM Manmohan Singh.

During  the first part of UPA rule , there was interferences by the Cogress President and Manmohan Singh was not in a position to stand firmly but there can not be any doubt that elections of 2009 were fought in the name of Manmohan Singh and he should have asserted his position and should have taken command over policy matters but unfortunately his surrender and subjugation became more evident. On many occasions he even felt humiliated and sidelined but he knew his destiny.It often said that he functioned like a cabinate secretary than like PM.Whatever may be his compulsions and constraints but the nation has to suffer. Now the question arises why did it happen and what price the nation had paid? Future will tell us what price we have paid and how much we have to pay more for the extraordinary mechanism of two power centres.Was It a revenge for not being the PM or something else; the history will decide but the way PMO was diminished to a mere clerical machinery is shocking.In fact PM was caged and was not allowed to function freely.

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