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Wednesday 2 April 2014

Muslims in India : ATool Of Vote Bank Politics or Politics Changer

India, no doubt is a secular country and its constitution does not allow any political party to use religion in election.However in all the elections in the independent India are unfortunately contested on religious lines.Before opening the debate with greater interest let us come to a very unique fact that every political party has its own definition of secularism.For BJP secularism means no appeasement of minorities but same is not the case for majority ie if majority wants certain concessions then it is alright.For Congress Party which ruled the country for more than sixty years secularism is a delightful combination of minority appeasement and polarization of backwards voters.

Use of Muslim population as a vote bank is nothing new because even for big leaders of Congress in 1952 election safe Muslim seats were selected.It may be looking very awkward but it is true that leaders like Zakir Hussain and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai were given safe seats in UP. This was just a beginning  or a trailer of what is going to happen in the future.After that in every election Congress Party used minority population as a vote bank.In the initial years Muslim population behaved like monolithic  block as voted in mass for the Congress Party under fear psychosis of right wing parties. Particularly under leadership of Late Mrs. Gandhi, Muslim preferred  congress party for its inclusive politics,however they often felt cheated because after election very little care was taken for bringing them into mainstream of economic and social development.Congress Muslim relationship continued till 1975 but excesses commited by Sanjay Gandhi at Turkman gate with Abdula Bukhari created bitterness in the relationship.As a result ,in1977 election Abdula Bukhari compaigned for Janata Party with A.B.Bajpai.This break Iin the relationship with Muslims proved very costly for Congress.

After six decades of such treatment today Muslim population is at cross road.They feel that every political party has used  them during the election and after that they were left to their own destiny.Political parties like BSP and Samajwadi Party have followed the same policy of creating fear psychosis against BJP or Hindu right wings and projected them to be protector of Muslims and asked them to vote for them at various occasions.When Muslim vote bank shifted from the Congress to  either BSP or SP in UP during nineties ;it was the beginning of decline of Congress both at state and center levels.Not only the Congress Party lost its seats in elections but it gave rise to a vacuum that can be filled by any one who promises to take care of Muslims.

But there was no change in the social and economic conditions of the Muslims in India.The so called secular parties have done more damage to Muslims than favour than to them.Bewildered by both these secular parties and their own leadership now Muslims are not ready to open their cards in 2014 election and they are waiting and watching.A section of the Muslim population is thinking of voting in favour of BJP to feel secure and not to be left behind in progressive jackpot ie to be a part of vision of Modi and his growth strategy.Will it happen is a big question?Now a days BJP too realises that support of Muslims is needed in its mission of 272 plus. Therefore,its tone has become mild and it is ready with variety of soaps to attract Muslims.

The problem of Congress of today is more complexed and therefore its president Mrs.Sonia Gandhi decided to polarise Muslim votes.As the typical Congress strategy Sonia Gandhi met Ahmed Bukhari ,the Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid in New Delhi on 2nd of April2014 to get his support in the comming election.Both announced that secular votes should not be divided.What can be more communal than this that a national party is trying to polarise votes on religious lines.It is another way of making April fool to a community which had been a tool of political management for self satisfaction and comunalist gain.Although ,onthe bigger scale the target may be BJP but its immediate suffrer will be AAP in Delhi because a mere 5%to10% swing of Muslim votes will cause serious damage to AAP.

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