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Saturday 5 April 2014

Cobrapost Sting :An Investigating Journalism or Political Journalism

Recent sting operation by Cobra Post is an opportunistic sting not because of its contents but because of its timing. All that started as investigsting journalism has actully turning out to be an election influencing tool .It is just like playing foolishly in the hands of a political party which is trying to win the election at any cost.It is very surprising that for the sake of election, both political parties and a certain sections of media, are involved in the dirty game of raising political temperature of the nation in the name of communalism.Further it is very important to note here is that why a group of people are adamant of playing communal card in the election.What Mr.Anirudh Bahal revealed is nothing new as CBI had already examined these people on several occasions and found nothing concrete but for Cobrapost it a very important for the people of the nation to know who are these people and what was their covert planning for demolition of Babri Masjid. The claim of Cobrapost that the demolition of Babri Masjid was a pre planned act of VHP,Bajrang Dal Shiv Sena and BJP finds no concrete proof as this sting operation needs to examined.There is no denial to the fact that these parties wanted to construct Ram Mandir at the site of Babri Masjid but had they planned and rehershed the act of demolition finds no verfied document or fact and the people exposed in the sting seemed to be either exaggerated their role or are involved in self praising.Often it happens that the agency or persons doing the sting put certain words or instigate to boast about a particular fact.This human weakness of proving himself an important player often gives exaggerated version of such acts of politically sensative isuue.

No doubt ,for India nothing can be more embrassing than the demolition of Babri Masjid as it hurted feelings of lacs of Muslims allover the world but it doesnot mean that this controversial matter can't be solved by rational and moderate leaders from both the sides.All that happened can be also mentioned as failure of our political and judiciary systems because both of these sat on the issue more than required.Why are we not take certain issues in the post independent India more seriously and urgently when they matter the most.

Since my interest and intention is not to rewrite the history or provide similar commentary on demolition of Babri Masjid therefore I will focus on Cobra Post Story.According to its head if this sting was revealed now it would have lost its meaning.Yes my dear Anirudh you are totally right.It is the timing that matters a lot for such sensational story.After the meeting of Ahmed Bukhari with Mrs.Sonia Gandhi and his appeal to the Muslims to vote for the Congress Party; this type of sensational story was impending or bound to happen.It is desperate step of the Congress Party to communalise the election because in all the opinion polls Congress is going to loose this election.It had shattered its hope of putting Rahul Gandhi at PM seat.

Political parties must know that if such sting operation are allowed to influence the mood of the people ,then not only it will be a regressive step but destructive also.Cobra Post  is answerable to the country for whatever it does and no section of media can be allowed to politicize election process by playing in the hands of a particular party.Now we must realize why AAP is critical of a group of electronic media and even put this fact in its manifesto.At the same time it is also important that certain parties like that election cannot be fought on issues concerning people therefore communalisation of election is the easiest step.What is more sordid that some media people are helping such moves.Therefore Cobra Post sting is stinking with malicious intention of doing what political parties are unable to do till now.Even CBI has also dismissed contents of Cobrapost and said thst the sting contains nothing new and it carries no values for further investigation.Therefore,such moves are intended to only to polarise election on communal lines .

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