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Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Dirty Picture Of 2014 Elections: Slapping, Sledging and Sedition

The great Indian political drama is unfolding its unethical face during the 2014 elections. No doubt in all the previous elections we have seen many unfortunate things but this time political morality is kept aside and it has become free for all.The type of sledging and act of sedition of deviding the army on religious lines are shameful acts.Yesterday incident with Arvind Kejriwal is perhaps the most unfortunate and ugly face of Indian Democracy. There may be divergent views on this issue but what political culture we are creating ? In the democracy there is no place for such reactions.To our utter surprise this has happened five times with Kejriwal in less than a month. Why are such reactions shown against him only? No doubt that  politics of Kejriwal is unorthodox and may not be suitable for traditional political parties but the constitution of the country has granted  us to follow our political thinking and ideology. Therefore, I see nothing wrong with AAP and its politics.

Now the second and most unfortunate incident of 2014 election happened on 9th of April when a UP minister went on to say that Kargil war victory was because of soldiers belonging to a particular religion. I quote him "In Kargil war no Hindu soldiers were responsible for the victory as Daras mountain was captured by Muslim soldiers. "As soon as this statement was given to attract Muslim voters towards Samajwadi Party which has lost its traditional vote bank of Muslims due to Muzaffarnagar riots, sharp reactions from all the corners of society started flowing. Nothing can be more worse than this statement when a political party went on to divide secular Indian army on religious lines for petty political gains. It amounts to encouraging sedition in Indian army and needs to be dealt with severest punishment so that senseless politicians are deterred from such nonsense acts.Indian army has the highest tradition of valour , sacrifice and secularism and it never interfered in civil matters. 

Mr.Azam Khan has a history of speaking senseless things and in the past people used to ignore his statements but this time he has crossed all limits and tried to cause division in the army on religious lines for political gains. Now why can't we as Indian think of politics based on issues and programs? Even a bigger question who are responsible for this situation of Indian democracy? I can blame both people and political parties for this situation. The indifferent attitude of people towards politics and political process provided an opportunity to the parties to take voters for granted and allowed them to manipulate election process of the country. When the Congress Party felt that without polarising election on religious line it is difficult to stand , then it played Muslim card which upset voting equation of Samajwadi Party and BSP.Purturbed by this shock and jerk of cracks in the traditional vote bank, leaders of these parties went berserk and for their survival they started spiting  venom  and sledging against politicians of other parties. The words like killer, bloody hand, gunda and throwing a leader into the sea became frequent  and common in the speeches of leaders.The present statement seems to be outcome of this frustration. 

As a natural reaction the BJP went to the Election Commission to lodge a complain against Mr.Azam Khan but bigger question what was election commission doing? When will the time come to take action against such leaders dangerous for the democracy? Second question; what action the Samajwadi Party has taken against its leader?  To utter surprise of the common man the Samajwadi Party has supported the stand taken by Azam Khan and even said that such statement are the outcome of neglect of a particular community. What a surprising realization that too after sixty seven years of independence. Where was this sympathy when Muzaffarnagar riots were talking place and administrative machinery was ordered to remain indifferent as shown in the sting operation carried out by media. Now the Election Commission has issued a notice to Azam Khan for voilation of code of conduct.But such statements should not be taken as mere voilation of code of conduct butas causing sedition in the Indian army.

According to secret reports a nabhouring country wants that if Indian army is divided on such lines then it is easier to win against India.Therefore Mr.Azam Khan  needs to explain whose agenda he is carrying out.

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