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Thursday 27 March 2014

Mystery Of Missing Malaysia Plane

The air crash of Malaysian plane MH370 that went missing on 8th March 2014 with 239 passengers is perhaps the most mysterious accident of air aviation history. For first few days neither the government nor aviation experts were able to conclude any thing substantial about the air crash and every hour there was a new story about the crashed plane.In the twenty first century when technology is so advanced that Google can find out a narrow lane of a colony and when man has reached beyond Moon, it is shocking and unfortunate that for more than twenty days there was no concrete evidence of the plane.

In the beginning, there was a lot of confusion in Malaysian aviation department about actually what had happened with the plane MH370.The captain of the plane Zaharie Ahmad Shah and his possible involvement in the accident has raised many questions than answers we are getting. His credentials need to be checked very carefully because whatever happened with the plane is not possible without serious human error or because of malicious intention of the captain.

As per the most reliable outcome of twenty days search operation by more than twenty countries the debris of the plane are  2345 km south west of Australia or to be more precise half way to Antarctica. Plane flew for one hour on right flight path but all of a sudden it turned to left and flew in the Indian Ocean and kept on flying till its fuel tank emptied and it crashed into the Indian Ocean. How it happened is a big mystery because the direction in which the plane flew is not at all the aviation route and even if it is assumed for a time being that the pilot has missed the route there are more than ten equipments to guide the pilot about possible mistake and will guide him to take corrective measures. Unless and until the pilot is hell bent upon destroying the plane, such accident is not possible.

Boeing 777has ultra modern technology which aids in flight control.It has Alpha Protection(a-prot) which prevents stalling and the effect of windshear,if the plane is in auto pilot mode.It has also high speed protection which will automatically recover from an over speed and there are Velocity Maximum Operational and Mach Maximum Operational devices to recover the plane from any difficulties. The Boeing 777 also has Electronic  Flight Control System(EFCS)and 4 Actuators Control Electronics(ACE)and three Primary Flight Computers namely Captain's,First Officers and Stand by.In addition there are two Flight Control Data Computers (FCDC) that read  information from the sensors such as air speed and altitude.This is fed with the GPS data into three redundant processing units known as Air Data Inertial Reference Units (ADIRU).

Now no one can even imagine how a captain of the Boeing 777 can miss the flight path and can keep on flying in the Ocean without any warnings.Therefore what is required is to examine the whole episode of air crash with open mind and develop suitable guide lines for the future safety of passengers.Talking in air and providing sensational stories can't help the Malaysian Government which seems to be divided over this issue.The air crash has to examined with terrorist attack angles also because two passengers boarded the plane with forged passport.The American Defence Minister's theory that the plane might be used for air attack can't be ruled out.

Now when the debris of the plane is located approximately 2,500 km away from Australian coast, it is not an easy job to recover the debris because the waved are quite strong in that area and they are located so far away that it is not possible for a plane without fuel support to reach the spot and even get its photographs.Satellite imaging is being used to ascertain about debris and the government has rulled out any possibility of survivor.The chances of recovery of dead bodies are near impossible which will give double blow to the relatives of the passengers.Let us pray for the departed souls.

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