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Friday 14 March 2014

Battling BJP or A Battle for Varanasi

The election of 2014 is going to be unique in many ways. After  ten years of UPA rule Congress is suffering from identity crisis and the party is going to the election with such a low moral and utter confusion that its big leaders are either opting out of election or searching a safe seat.

On the other hand there is BJP riding on Modi Wave but facing a lot of internal conflicts.In this context both Modi and BJP are facing a situation of now or never and therefore, every seat in northern states has become very important.But it has given a new problem of seat adjusment and shifting of seating MP's .As a result there is a battle going on between big leaders of BJP.
It is not that only Congress is facing confusion but almost all other political parties are passing through a phase of indecision.When BJP played a gamble on Modi,there was great uproar in the party.
The opposition came from within the party as its Delhi  command felt that it is being ignored and its control over the party looked weakened.It was ,no doubt,very hurting for many senior leaders but there was no choice for them than to accept Modi as a new Awatar orSalvager of the party.

The only person who raised his voice against projecting of Modi as PM candidate was none other than L.K.Advani. The loin hearted leader ,whose unfulfilled desire of becoming PM was being buried for the second time.

For the grand old man this was very painful as he was the leader who brought the party to this stage where it can think of forming government. All his confidential people have deserted him at that juncture but today despite party winning they felt to be loosers.Today despite intervention of Sangh,ego clash between Modi and Advani.Modi loyalists are even
trying to shift Advani out of Gujarat.It seems very humiliating for Advani like senior leader. Now today every political analyst is busy in debating about Modi wave but there are serious problems with BJP.Internally it is fighting a battle for control over the party.Loyalists of Modi are determined to get a make over of party by pushing out old leaders. 

Therefore ,old leaders like L.K.Advani,M.M.Josi and many others are privately being asked not to fight this election.When they refused to do so then their seats are beingshifted in the name of creating winnability for the party.

However the real story is something else.Actually Modi and his policy makers are of the view that for success of Modi at National level,it is necessary to have complete control over the party and for this sacrifice as well as side lining of some serious contenders is required.

Now party will have to decide whether Modi is bigger than it or its neo ideology will be different from the earlier line.There is another question equally important that why is BJP hell bent upon making so many compromises against its original character and party line.Now everybody is welcomed in BJP which boasts of being a party with difference and an ideological party.

Again why are the leaders from UP and a few from Gujarat are being targeted?Is Modi and his coatrie afraid of them in their mission of PM making?

It is true that challenge only comes from this group of leaders not only today but when time comes for making adjustment in the cabinet formation.

Modi wants that there should be no murmuring at later part therefore game must be played right now.No doubt a time has come when party has to move out of illusion and take corrective decision.

Leaders may come and go but party remains.Recent pronouncements of Sangh (RSS) are indications that it  is also not enamored of steps taken by Modi loyalists.

Moreover in every state unit of BJP there is growing dissatisfaction over old leaders being ignored and new people are being encouraged.It may lead to inside fighting in the party causing irreparable damage.

Ever since the Congress party wss caught in corruption charges ,some political thinkers thought of projecting Modi as the candidate for PM.

Initially there was great doubt that how it will work as Modi is still not absolved for his failure and involvement  in Gujarat roits.The first revolt came from none other than JDU.

Its central leadership and especially Nitish Kumar, decided to break away from NDA,giving big jolt to the prospects of NDA coming to the power.Till now no major party had joined NDA or indicated to give its support for BJP.

What is happening that disgruntled leaders are in a rat race to join BJP which has started creating ripples in its cadre.

Now ,a very important question what happens if BJP fails to get 200 seats in the forthcoming election.I doubt that support will come from major parties like AIDMK or TMC for Modi.

Then there are two different possibilities-either Third Front will flex its mussels or BJP will have try some other leaders.And if the second possibility starts working then it will be disastrous for Modi.

But if Third Front comes to the power again chances of Modi to become PM will start evaporating.In both the situations Modi will be a great looser.

A common man can't be a future story teller therefore we have to wait and watch till the results are announced and all the permutations and combinations are tried.

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