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Thursday 6 March 2014

AAP: From Agitation to Anarchy

Rise of a new political party on Indian Political horizon was praised by everyone for being different and politically purist. There was a new air and platform where people can find expression of their surpressed ideology and vent out their frustration for being used for political purpose. People gave support more than expected by AAP leaders and this party even got an opportunity to serve the  people of Delhi. What happened  during 49 days of rule of Arvind Kejriwal  is well known to the whole world. There may be hundreds of explanations, but one fact remains clear that the government escaped from reality and its responsibility. It is also a fact that unexpected gains in election in Delhi ,made AAPover ambitious and enthusiam to record its presence at national level. It was, therefore, a preplanned strategy of AAP, to sacrifice the government for Lok Sabha election and Janlokpal was just an excuse. Perhaps nothing can be more frustrating than this that a government which came to power with so much so enthusiasm turned out to be a big failure. People felt heart broken because their dreams were shattered. And nothing can be more funny that government was always in the mood of agitation. AAP was born through an agitation and continued in that mode in the government and after resigning from the government.

Now, till the party behaved like a group of people who are not like all other politicians and they are true representatives of participative democracy everything was fine but it is also true that you can hide your skin but cannot hide your behavior. The true character of AAP became evident very soon. First when a CM sat on Dharna and do we know for what; for the suspension of four police personal. What a joke?  If it is allowed then every second day some other leader will be seating on this type of dharna.It this point of governance, people found Anarchic attitude in the behavior of AAP and its leaders . People must know  the true meaning of this often quoted term. It means a situation of lawlessness in which a group of people who support this ideology don't believe in the constitution and existence of law . Why is it  often practiced in the Democratic setup? The reasons are best known to Arvind Kejriwal and his partymen.It happened that initially no political party paid more attention towards this outgrowing behavior of AAP but now it an open secret that this party is following a path of soft left wing ideology. Demonstration is a good idea and means of democratic survival but when it is taken to prove political supremacy then it becomes a destructive tool.

In recent times several rounds of protests organized by AAP clearly gave an indication of its departure from Gandhian ideology. Leaders were talking in a different tone and using very filthy language and on many occasions they were even abusive.  It seemed that they believe in sensationalism to keep workers united.On 5th March 2014 ,a group of leaders on a slightest provocation, went for demonstration at BJP headquarter in Delhi and after that what had happened is well known to the whole world. Stones were pelted and sticks were used to prove a point that even if the Election Commission has announced code of conduct  being implemented ,  it hardly matters for AAP leaders. Whatever they wish to do they will do and only they hsve the right to explain what is the Constitution and what are the Constituional provisions. This is the true behavior of an anarchic party. It has been also experinced that AAP happens to be basically an issue hijacker.Firstly, it had hijacked the issue of corruption then communalism and let us wait what is the next.Leaders of AAP soughted in the top of their voice that as soon as they are in power, Mrs.Sheela Dikshit and many of her cabinate ministers will be in jail, what haopened is wellknown.The AAP never tslked sbout such corruption cases. So fight with congress is not catching limelight , therefore, now Modi will fit in the agenda.

Now a bigger question; who are the people joining AAP? It is interesting to find out that most the new members are leftist or anti estsblishment people. These people have less care for rules and regulations and they believe in freedom from State control.Secondly there is no ideological training for members of AAP, hence they believe in mobocracy.Poor ideological strenth also leads to anarchy.The concepts of Mohalla Sabha and complete decenteralisation of power are again outcome of leftist by nature.Those who supported AAP in Delhi were mostly middle class voters who felt dejected when he resigned.It is to be seen that in the coming election this vote bank remains intact.It is Delhi where people are intelligent enough to judge the political mood of the country.

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