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Sunday 16 March 2014

AAP and Media Controversy

In recent months,after sacrificing its government on the issue of Janlokpal,AAP is facing reality of politics.It is a well known fact that with the growing political aspirations AAP decided to fight general election of 2014 by declaring its candidates in all the States.The planning for fighting election was meticulous, as AAP has gone for membership drive all over the country. In its initial growth media has played a very important role and moreover Mr. Kejriwal knows how to manage media for political expansion of a newly borne party. Every thing was going well till both media and Kejriwal were supporting each other.

But situation started turning opposite way when media exposed many lies of AAP and in doing so there may be some exegerations howeverfor a political party these things sre nothing new. In the course of its growth such things are bound to appear but what is a worrying factor is the reactions of AAP.All the leaders of the party became very vocal about media and they started blaming it for running bias stories.It a fact that AAP leaders are known for their double standards like criticizing others for corruption but when it comes to their own leaders then they are mum.Be it about Som Nath Bharti or any other leaders they believe in self certification.

It this behavior of AAP which provided an opportunity for media to go into a deeper analysis of activities of its leaders.And to our utter surprise Kejriwal and his colleagues themselves provided many such opprtunities and stories to the media.Kejriwal video clips of directing  to a reporter to run a particular portion of his interview on a TV channel, is poor in taste and a sign of his  political immaturity. But is it not an eye opener for the people who rendered their support for this party on faith that it will be a different party and will stand differently in the politically corrupt world.Common man felt that our political system is so strong that it assimilates every new party and tranforms it into a similar product that behaves in the same manner.We may call it also political compulsion which forced AAP to adopt cheap method of popularity.

When these things were exposed by the media ,AAP felt that it is going to be  very destructive for its political survival and may even doom its chances in the coming election. ,Then reactions of its leaders became very violent.Kejriwal went on to say that media is very corrupt and if his party comes to the power then a group of media persons will be behind the bar.Nothing can be more damaging than such statements for any political party than to threaten media.It clearly indicates the mind set up of AAP leaders who not only believe in anarchy but are also dictator by nature. As far as my memory goes even during emergency of 1975  never suvh statements were given.Perhaps Mr. Kejriwal doesn't know that he is living in a democratic country which has a consitution and where people are protected by rule of the law.Such threat may also create difficulties for him as he is setting an agenda before the country that what his party thinks  about freedom of speech and expression.

Till now nothing has been done by AAP which gives any indication of its determination to bring political cleansing and eradicating corruption from the country.Contrary to this there are many other things which suggest that leaders of AAP are power hungry and believe in political opportunism.Look at the political drama going on during  Kejriwal visit to Gujarat and Bombay.Insiders reveal very shocking things that were going on during road show of Kejriwal in Gujarat and Mumbai.The way laws were flouted and mob was led, is an indication of political ideology  of AAP.The list of candidates for various seats are again suggests that a lot of compromises are being made to win the election and dinner diplomacy to collect funds are unpardonable mistakes.

What one can see from statements being made by AAP leaders are indication of growing frustration  due to poor election management.Secondly, it is quite clear that AAP is not going to have any impact on national political scene. Its impact is mostly limited to Delhi and a few metropolitan cities.When these things became clear to AAP then whatever is being done by its leaders is nothing but a political drama. And when this drama is not bearing any fruit then out of frustration Kejriwal speaks so many things and next day he  refutes."If my party comes to the power then I will send such repoters to the jail" is such a statement which not only to be condemned but should be dismissed with disdane because for comming to the power Mr Krjriwal has to fight elections for more than ten times.And by then his party will be more corrupt than any other political party.

Kejriwal story may get a finishing makeover when he fights election against Modi in Varanasi.Political analysts will find a very interesting story after election.It is important to  know that which forces are supporting  AAP to create political unstability .For Kejriwal nothing can be more sucidal than his decision to fight from Varanasi because his loss will erode his political credibility and the party even loose whatever gains it has in Delhi.

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