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Thursday 20 March 2014

Crimean Crisis--A Beginning Of Second Cold War

The crisis of Crimea has created ripples in world politics. After Crimean war every thing was calm and quiet but the policy to incircle Russia by Western forces led to a flash point which may the beginning of the second phase of cold war between Russia and the west.What started as pushing western ideology in Ukraine to consolidate position of NATO countries and putting pressure on Russia for military and economic gains has led the world into a deeper crisis of probable war if not on a large scale but surely on smaller scale if NATO coutries are unable to understand gravity of the situation.

Russia under Putin leadership is moving towards its consolidation with a definite plan and unfortunately the European Union leaders failed to understand it.When the Western World was busy tackling the issue of Ukraine,very quietly Russia planned merger of Crimea using the policy of referendum. The referendum held on 14th March 2014, asked the people of Crimea and Sevastopol whether they want to join Russian  federal as subject or they wanted to restore the  1992 Crimean Constitution and Crimea's status as a part of Ukraine. 96% people voted in favor of joining Russia . Although the referendum was criticized by several countries and they called it illegitimate but it was also observed by 135 observers from 23 countries who reported no violations ..As a result of this referendum ,the Republic of Crimea declared its independence from Ukraine and requested to join  the Russian Federation. Russia gladly accepted the request and now Crimea is a part of Russia.

Now with this defeat in Crimean strategy, the European countries are feeling a situation of helplessness and in the reaction they declared economic sanctions against Russia and even suspended Russia from G8.Russia reacted sharply against such moves and warned the Western countries of serious consequences.These countries even moved against the refrendum in UN Security council but Russia vetoed the move.As the support gathering move Russian President ,Putin called Indian PM and explained his position in this respect. In the meantime Russian supporters captured naval base in crimea.Some of the Ukrainian navy personal are still under control of these people and Ukraine has warned them on this seige.

The things in Crimean region are moving very fast and any time any thing can happen as a result UN Secretary General is meeting  Russian President today to solve the issue.According to policy experts on European matters ,Russian ambition is more than Crimea as Putin wants to go back to pre 1990 position.NATO members are frightened by the Russian design and they started mobilising army in the member countries. US has put its war ships on alert and assured members of NATO that it will provide all out support to them in case of any agression by Russia.

Now ,what started as Ukraine inclination towards western economies for better future prospects and European Union desire to contain growing Russian power has reached to a fkashpoint where no party is ready to compromise its strategic position and it will certainly destabilised Ukraine economy. The way Russia is developing its control over this region is alarming and it feels such steps that Crimean neval base is necessary for  Russian dominance.As Russia has no other strategically important port  in Black  Sea than Crimea therefore, it is ready to go to any strenth and any strech.Political observers feek that in this situation NATO members can do little.However for some times NATO will be engaged for namesake  so that its existent is jusified. It also lead to cold war between Russia and Western world and the most sufferer will be Ukraine.

Not only Ukraine has lost Crimea as a vital ally and the naval port but it will be under increasing pressure of Russian expansion.If it goes with the European Union then its future will be under uncertainty and if it decides to remain at its original position then it will face Russian threat.

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