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Friday 13 June 2014

Chaos in Iraq: A Failure of Peace Process In The Middle East

Iraq is in the turmoil as  jehadi fighters of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria(ISIS) are moving fast and capturing large territories of State of Iraq.As this news spreaded both Western countries and US government are under serious pressure to take corrective measures to stop growing presence of ISIS in this region. When Bush government decided to attack Iraq in 1991 under pretext of destroying the Weapons of Mass Destruction and to remove dictatorship of Saddam Hussein then nobody has the idea that where could it lead to this region? In fact US and allied forces attacks on Iraq were not carried out for simple military gains but for vicious economic and political designs and it led to not only creating more distability and disintegration but it also provided fertile land for the growth of terrorism. As it happened that due to the presence of US , Islamic militant groups started increasing their presence in this region and even recruited foreign fighters for jehad and in this process they were amply supported by many Arab countries. In the beginning it was Al-Qeada that led the fight against US forces and it went on to attack on WTO to take revenge for increasing presence of US forces in the middle east region. 

It is a well known fact that Iraq war was fought for the oil than any thing  because Saddam Hussein oil policy was anti US and therefore ,many US oil companies financed election of Bush and Chenny so that they get a free hand in oil exploration in Iraq.As soon as Saddam Hussein was defeated and US supported government was established in Iraq then first the oil related laws were changed and then US oil companies like BP, Chevron, Exxon and many others were given full control of Iraqi oil fields.It will not be wrong to say that the basic reason behind US attack on Iraq was to plundered natural resources of Iraq and it is the reason why ISIS like fundamentalist organisation got tremendous support in other muslim countries as people see them as an emancipator.

    Iraqi soldiers captured by ISIS terrorists

When finally US decided to vacate Iraq in 2011, then it neither strengthened Iraqi forces to face growing challenge of the Islamic terrorism nor there was well established administration based on equal representatio of all the sections of Iraqi society. Therefore the government in Iraq was dominated by Shia, and Sunni and Khurds were not only neglected but put to extreme exploitation. In the meantime there was civil unrest in Syria and disintegration of Lybia and the whole region was suitable for the growth of the terrorists groups and birth of ISIS like organization was natural. ISIS is born of regional wsrfare and Islamic fundamentalism and it harvested heavily on robbing cashes and extortion. ISIS aims at drawing a new msp of the middle east by creating a Sunni state including some parts of Syria and Iraq. 

Rise of ISIS in this region was supported by different forces at different times for different reasons. Both the PM Nuri-al-Maliki of Iraq and president Obama supported ISIS in the beginning to contain growth of other anti US militant organizations.As soon as they realized that it is becoming monstrous and difficult to reign then abandoned it but it was too late and ISIS by that became the most powerful force in this region and all other terrorists organizations were opposed to its ideology of a new Sunni state in the middle east. Even the Syrian president provided all kinds of support to ISIS  to have gains over fighting jehadis in his country but he soon realized that ISIS has bigger design than mere fighting against the other organizations. The great strenth of ISIS lies in the fact that its fighters are from Pakistan, Chechenya, Afghanistan and Saudi Arebia. As a result the whole middle east region is under danger of disintegration.

By 2014, ISIS has become the most powerful group in the middle east and it started capturing towns of Iraq. Its fighters are very bloodthirsty and barbarous and therefore Iraqi military has started leaving its posts unprotected or in other words facilitating the capture ot towns. Only 1500 jehadis of ISIS have seized six Black Hawk helicopters and plundered more than 2500 billion Iraqi Dinars from the vaults of banks of Mosul, an important town of Iraq as a result on 10th June the PM Nuri-al-Maliki has to declare state emergency and asked for the support from US and European countries. On the very next day these fighters even moved ahead to capture another town called Tikrit the birth place of Saddam Hussein and now they are moving forward to capture the capital city of Baghdad.

At the same time Peshmerga fighters, the security forces of Iraq autonomous Khurdish have captured vacated town of Kirkuk known for its huge oil reserves to fulfill their long dream of making it the capital city of Khurdish State.A police officer in Udhaim said that "we are waiting for supporting troops and are afraid that terrorists are seeking to cut the main highway that linksBaghdad to  north. "It raises very serious security threats to the whole region as capture of Baghdad will pose a new geographical map in the middle east. 
         Killing of Iraqi sdiers by ISIS terrorists

Many Senators have raised their voice of concern and asked President Obama to take suitable military action to protect US interest in the middle east. They blamed national security team for this situation and asked for sacking them.No doubt the matter is very serious and drastic steps are required to save the region of middle east as it will have both economic and political implications for the whole world. 
              Dead bodies of killed Iraqi soldiers

International implications of ISIS are far reaching as victory of these fundamentalists forces will disturb not only political and economic equations but also social issues as it will start Sunni dominance in this area.The immediate effect can be seen as rise in the crude oil price in the international market which will affect economies of both developed and developing countries especially India as it imports large quantity of crude oil from Iraq.At the same times it is going to affect social equations in the countries like Iran, Turkey, Syria and other Arabic nations, mostly dominated by Shias community.As a result Iran for the first time is ready to cooperate with US in the fight against ISIS .If fight continues for a longer period then things may change as support for ISIS may come from Sunni community from all over the world and mainly from other terrorists organisations that will complicate the issue, therefore  all steps should be taken immediately.There is exodus of more than five millions people from Iraq.

The power  and influence of ISIS terrorists is increasing every day as more and more jehadis are joining the group and in the light of weakened military structure of Iraqi government it is difficult that  their progress towards Baghdad can be averted by Iraq alone.In the whole issue again US is responsible as firstly it destroyef Bath army of Iraq abd secondly it failed to develop a strong army to replace Bath army in the post Saddam Hussein era.As a result the whole region was left on the mercy of fundamentalists and terrorists organisations.US logic of saving humanity from the dictatorship and misrule of Saddam Hussein stands exposed as  US invasion in Iraq not only destroyed a civilisation and its inheritance but also led to civil war in the whole region disturbing even social relationship.

The way ISIS fighters are capturing and killing Iraqi soldiers and police personnel are indicative of their vendetta towards Shia community and if Baghdad falls in the hands of ISIS terrorists then it will bring catastrophic situation in this region.It will lead to a sectarian war between Shia and Sunni just like as it happened during medieval times and the only country responsible will be US which for having gains from Iraqi oil had created this situation as Saddam Hussein was not in line with US interests in this region.Now what promted ISIS jehadis to select Iraq and Syria as their starting point of expression of their new regional nationalism.It is clear from the speed at which these fighters are capturing territories of Iraq that they are getting local support from Sunni population and members of Bath party.
The rise of ISIS is also a reflection of failure of new government in Iraq to involve all the sections of people in the process of nation building. When Saddam Hussein was removed from Iraq by US and a new government wss formed under leadership of Nuri-al Maliki then the government was dominsted by Shias and Sunnis were not only neglected but were kept out of main stream of power.The growing discontent among them was ably exploited by ISIS fighters.Then disturbance in the middle east had created animosity between Saudi Arebia and Iran as both the countries wanted to dominate the Muslim world.In doing so Saudi Arab supported ISIS fighters as a replacement for Al Qeada.Now US delima is that Obama doesnot want to send US army to Iraq therefore the next option is to support Iran to control ISIS but for many policy makers it is undigestable.As time is running fast even this option is running out for US , therefore US hss to take a strong step to protect Iraq from disintegration.

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