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Monday 2 June 2014


"There should be justice for the family of the two teenaged girls.Voilence against women is a human right issue,not a women issue. Voilence against women is preventable not inevitable. The Badaun incident highlights the danger the women in India are exposed due to lack of toilets ."This comment of UNO itself explains severity of incident of rape in Badaun and deplorable record of SP government in protecting women.It also raises many serious quesrions of our effectiveness in dealing with issues related to crime against women.

The act of rape is the most heneous crime against the mankind and the severity of the crime cannot be described in words.But in India during the past decade the rate of crime against the women has been on the rise.It all reflects social attitude towards women as well as the growing perversion among the people.It is generally said that the society that doesn't respects women is not going to be progressive and bound to pay for its aurthodox and feudal outlook and India is one of those countries.The rape of two teenaged girls in Badaun is a blot on the forehead of the UP government.What is shocking that after gangraping the two girls,they were hanged from a tree.UP is a unique state because since indeoendencce it is divided strictly on caste lines and under SP rule this tendency of caste division becomes glaring.Badaun where the gang rape took place is a suitable example where women of the lower caste are exposed to every types of sexual assaults.These two young girls are victims of the system that prevails in UP under SP rule.

Among a few states of India where crime against the women are alarmingly high is UP.During the last year there were 30000 cases against women out of which there are 1967 case of rape.An astonishing fact and a slap on the face of the state government.But for the shameless politicians of the ruling party it is an act of mistake that takes place during the young age.It is very easy to use such words for the others but what is more surprising that such statements are tolerated in India.

Now for Samajwadi Party rape incidents are haunting like a ghost and with the passing of each day a new incident of rape is reported in UP.The recent case of Badaun is not only a rape but it shows how the administration of UP has been divided on the caste line and to which extent it has been corrupted and politicized.The incident in which two young girls of OBC has been gang raped and then killed raises many questions which the Akhikesh government needs to answer.Why did police not act when the incident has been reported?What did the government do when the incident came to its knowledge? Why did police not act in accordance with the law?

Just imagine what will be the mental status of a father of two young girls running from pillor to the post for saving honor and life of his daughters and police is saying just wait you will get your daughters as soon as they are free.And humanity was torned into pieces.This incident has raised the political temperature of the state and has been criticized by all the other political parties.The Central Government has sent its minister at the scene of crime and asked for a detailed report.

Even UNO has criticized increasing incidents of rape in India and especially raised question over Badaun.UNO has compared this incident with the abduction of girls by Boko Haram in Nigeria.It has happened for the first time that India had to face such a shameful situation.The NWC team visited under the leadership of Mrs.Mamta Sharma has enquired and investigated the crime and clearly pointed out the failure of state administration to curb increasing incidents of rape in the state.
                                        Picture of mother of raped girls

Now as if Badaun incident was not enough ,within the gap of two days four more incidents of rape have taken place at different places in UP.Nothing can be more shameful than this.Now as usual political leaders started visiting Badaun to show sympathy to the family but again it is a more serious question that can honour and life of the woman be compensated with Rs. five lakhs .But the father of the two girls put a slap on the face of the UP government by denying to accept state help.The state governnent delayed action inthis incident has further raised many eye browse.What is more shocking that the state government has tried to cover up the incident.The police officials involved in this case are not charged with gang rape,this clearly indicates attitude of the SP governnent.

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