Indian Prime Minister first foreign visit to a neighboring country Bhutan marks a new era in the foreign policy matters and a break from the traditional practice of visiting the big and developed countries. From its very beginning the new government has set its agenda clear that it prefers good relationship with neighboring countries and as a result on the oath taking ceremony all the heads of SAARC nations were invited. It is a new beginning since India feels that without regional cooperation and development, its own development prospects are under threat and therefore all the SAARC nations should be taken into consideration and due importance is to be given to the regional problems.
As Narendra Modi decided to visit Bhutan for a two days , as his first official tour many people may be wondering as to what is going on in the minds of makers of Indias' s foreign policy but for Modi and his government it is quite natural because Bhutan is our natural friends and trusted allies.At the same time, since China is trying to develop close relationship with Bhutan, therefore, it is strategically important that India should assert its position in Bhutan .China has started building ports in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and now trying to extend incircle India policy to Bhutan also, therefore Modi decision to visit Bhutan will not only strenthen India's position in this region but also save Bhutan from falling under Chinese influence.
PM Narendra Modi landed on Paro airport and was received by his counterpart Tshering Tobgay.From there he took road journey to reach Bhutani capital Thimpu and on the way he was greeted by the large number of people. The visit is very important as India wishes to ensure that in future energy supply from Bhutan is uninterrupted. India also assured Bhutan that it will held Bhutan to produce 10000 MW of hydral electricity by providing both financial and technological help . India futher assured Bhutan that it will double the amount of scholarship given to Bhutani students. Bhutan also assured India that it will not allow anti Indian forces to operate from its land.To promote regional cooperation Modi suggested that India , Bhutan and Nepal should organize an annual hill sports meet to promote cultural bonding among them.
Modi also addressed Parliament of Bhutan and assured the members and people that India will always be ready to help Bhutan development plans.The king of Bhutan appreciated India's concerns for regional development. Modi said "I said a while backBfor B.The clour of our passports may be different but our thinking is the same.India stands committed to Bhutan'happiness and progress."Modi was concious about India's unilaterak decision to withdrawal of subsidies on LPG and Kerosene oil therefore; he asserted "Our hydropower cooperation with Bhutan is a classic exampke of win-win cooperation abd a model for the entire region."Modi also inaugerated Supreme Court building which was built with Indian assistance.Both the sides expressed their satisfaction on the visit.
As Narendra Modi decided to visit Bhutan for a two days , as his first official tour many people may be wondering as to what is going on in the minds of makers of Indias' s foreign policy but for Modi and his government it is quite natural because Bhutan is our natural friends and trusted allies.At the same time, since China is trying to develop close relationship with Bhutan, therefore, it is strategically important that India should assert its position in Bhutan .China has started building ports in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and now trying to extend incircle India policy to Bhutan also, therefore Modi decision to visit Bhutan will not only strenthen India's position in this region but also save Bhutan from falling under Chinese influence.
PM Narendra Modi landed on Paro airport and was received by his counterpart Tshering Tobgay.From there he took road journey to reach Bhutani capital Thimpu and on the way he was greeted by the large number of people. The visit is very important as India wishes to ensure that in future energy supply from Bhutan is uninterrupted. India also assured Bhutan that it will held Bhutan to produce 10000 MW of hydral electricity by providing both financial and technological help . India futher assured Bhutan that it will double the amount of scholarship given to Bhutani students. Bhutan also assured India that it will not allow anti Indian forces to operate from its land.To promote regional cooperation Modi suggested that India , Bhutan and Nepal should organize an annual hill sports meet to promote cultural bonding among them.
Modi also addressed Parliament of Bhutan and assured the members and people that India will always be ready to help Bhutan development plans.The king of Bhutan appreciated India's concerns for regional development. Modi said "I said a while backBfor B.The clour of our passports may be different but our thinking is the same.India stands committed to Bhutan'happiness and progress."Modi was concious about India's unilaterak decision to withdrawal of subsidies on LPG and Kerosene oil therefore; he asserted "Our hydropower cooperation with Bhutan is a classic exampke of win-win cooperation abd a model for the entire region."Modi also inaugerated Supreme Court building which was built with Indian assistance.Both the sides expressed their satisfaction on the visit.