The history of UKRAINE is unique in many ways in the world because despite several rounds of destruction and subjugation, by Poland and Russia , the people of Ukraine never allowed Nationalism to die. Time and again Ukraine was divided between Poland,European countries and Russia but finally it was integrated with USSR in 1947 by the treaty of Paris. Perhaps people of Ukraine had experienced the worst kind of exploitation and under Stalin rule Ukrainian national identity finally came to an end.Terror of Stalin rule was so devastating that more than 6.8 lacs people were either killed or proscuted between 1929 -1938.So what is happening today in Ukraine is nothing but expression of its nationalist identity and revival of its centuries long fight for self identity. Today Ukraine is in complete turmoil and situation seems to be very volatile. People of Ukraine are fighting for freedom from autocratic rule and political corruption. This new turn of history may be because of government decision to not sign Agreement with EU, but the whole happening must be seen in broader perspective. It is a fight of divergent interests of Western countries, which promise a great future and fortunes to Ukrainian people, and of Russia which takes this movement as a threat to its so called socialist ideology. The turmoil that started in 2010 is very deep rooted. It goes back to Declaration of Ukrainian independence in 1991, when Ukrainian Parliament adopted "The Act of Independence" and Leonid Kravchuk was elected as President. Initially international community viewed this development as normal but as time passed,strategic positioning of Ukraine created vast interests and Western world found this country very useful to exert pressure on Russian design to regroup its old states. 1990's was a very bad period for Ukrainian economy as the country lost its 60% of GDP during this decade and for its survival it has to look towards Russian support.
In the following years the story of the present day crisis was written. In 2004 election Viktor Yanukovych was declared as President, and Supreme Court declared his election rigged. A peaceful movement known as Orange Movement finally brought Viktor Yushchenko abd Yulia Tymoshenko to the power. Since Russian Government don't like this group therefore, it reduced its support and again Viktor Yanukovych returned to the power in 2006.During this period economic conditions of Ukraine started worsening and political corruption became rampant as a result people once again looked towards West. In November 2013 people strongly demaned integration of Ukrainian economy with the European Union. It is aly known as Euromaidan Protests . Since EU has promised to open its 500 million consumers market for Ukrainian firms which will provide a great boost to the economy, but in return Ukraine hss to go for economic, political and legal reforms. Ukraine has to adopt hundreds of EU Laws . People who are in a dire stste of affairs feel thst this agreement is a road to freedom from serfdom.
As revolution built up , there were large scale protests all over the country but Independence Square has became the central location. As the government started using brutal state power to crush the movement there was large scale violence . The movement is being led by Vitali Klitschko and Yulia Tymoshenko who made the people feel that they have reached to their final destination where they have to make a choice between European Democracy and Russian Dictatorship, between sovereignty and subjugation , between Prosperity and the poverty and so on. At both sides there are many things at stake and as movement progresses many new dimensions will be added. Russian leadership considers Ukrainian existence very important for its longer design of regional hegemony and will not be willing to sacrifice this old neighbor.Whereas Europe feels that Ukraine can serve its interests in long run. Therefore promises from both the sides are lofty and lucrative.It is for the people and leaders who are to decide. Opinion is divided and many people feel that the country may once again be under grip of Germany and some other European nations who will exploit it as it happened during World War II.They fear that EU promises may not be fulfilled and gains can easily be converted into losses.
Since President has taken asylum in Russia and will try to do everything to get control back hence coming months will be crucial for Ukrainian people. The movement of the Russian army near Ukrainian boarders is just indication of what is going to unfold in near future. Despite warning from US and several other European countries there is no reaction from Putin.This indicates what is hidden in the future.We must remember that strategic importance of Ukraine for Russia and it is not ready to bend its back.The recent development are more worrying as Russian Parliament has supported Putin move to enter into Ukraine under pretext of saving Russian origin people there. Now question arises is it a beginning of war between Russia abd Wesr backed Ukraine.As Russia is not ready to listen US and European countries then war seems to be unavoidable.It seems that history is repeating itself and once again Ukraine is either going to be divided between Europe andRussia or will go through a phase of terror and exploitation.Whatever happens in future but for the people of Ukraine it is not good.Out of this movement their gains will be totally nullified because European Union will not provide any short term or long term relief.