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Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Beginning of the End of the Congress

Today's election  results  for 5 State Assemblies are great indications  of downfall  of a  great party as since  2014 Parliamentary  election  its miseries are increasing. At the  same  time,  the trends which most probably  will  be  converted  into  the  results,  are also an indicator  of what is called  social  engineering  and election  management. With no sign of political  maturity  ,the Congress  Party  is repeating  its last election  mistakes. Its loyalty  towards Gandhi family  has become  a  double  edged  sword.The more  it depends  and defends its allegiance  to the family  the more are its defeats  and disintegration. 

Let me be very clear  that  for centuries  the same Gandhi  family was able  to  provide  great leadership  and political  wisdom  to the  Party but since  the death of Indira  Gandhi, no matter  what  ever  has been  done  and whosoever  may ruled  the Party ,its actual  strength  started  to  decline. For a brief  period  of  1984 to 1990 it seemed  that Rajeev Gandhi  is able  to  get  support  and  victory  in the  election  but very soon his own weaknesses  resulted  into  a  great defeat  of the party.
After him although Sonia Gandhi  was able to bring the  Congress  Party  into the  power but at the cost of its second  generation  leadership. Unfortunately  Gandhi  family  and the  Congress  Party  itself  has a habit  of  keeping party under its belt and doesn't  allow  new leaders to grow  or the old leaders to dominate. It is often  said that for the SUNRISE OF THE CONGRESS  PARTY  SON RISE  SHOULD BE ABANDONED. 
But who listens. What can be worse  that in this election  the Congress  Party  has been  thrown  out  and is replaced  by  BJP and  the Left  Parties. In the Eastern  State like  Assam the top leadership  of the  Congress  Party  didn't  listen  to its State leadership. As a result  there was defection in the party .Secondly  Rahul Gandhi  mismanaged Assam election. It reflects  his political  immaturity  and aloofness  towards local issues. At the same  time  BJP  was able  to capitalise  local issues. 

In Tamil Nadu it allies DMK is the same  party which  was always  anti Congress. It didn't  give  good taste  to the voters in TN.
Today's  election  results  shows many new trends of Indian politics. Despite violence  and corruption  Indian  voters  voted in the favour  of TMC  in the West Bengal. Historically  West Bengal  has been  a State  of  Left Parties  and had been  ruled by the Left Ideology. Surprisingly  in the last Assembly  election  TMC challenged  dominance  of  the  Left and came  in the power.Now despite  so many issues  against  TMC it has been  able  to  get  majority  in the West Bengal. It is because  with  the  same instruments  Left is getting  defeats  ie violence  and power during the election. 

As regards  to  Tamil Nadu is concerned  it is remarkable  election  engineering  of Jay Lalita that led to this victory. It also  offers  a  simple  explanation  that Indian  voters can still  be  managed  by  the  money  and free gifts.Jay Lalita  way was made easy with fractional  divisions  in the  DMK.

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