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Wednesday 23 January 2019

Priyanka Gandhi Entry into Full Time Politics

Today the Congress Party made a very dynamic and bold decision by making Priyanka Gandhi the General Secretary and by giving her charge of Eastern UP. Now this make UP parliamentary elections more complicated. 
When political parties like SP,BSP and RLD formed an alliance in Uby neglecting Congress, the front leaders of these party have a microscopic political vision but they forgot about one thing that Congress Party is more than 135 years old party with group level  ideological background which always gives it an edge over all other parties provided it has a dynamic leadership .
What the Congress Party was missing was a dedicated political leader and new energy. No doubt that Sonia Gandhi is not active now a days in politics but her absence will be truly filled by entry of Priyanka Gandhi. 
Congress workers and people find a glimpses of Indira Gandhi and this will help party more than expected .
Now for BJP it is a big jolt as now it has to devise a solid strategy for coping this new challenge. And if Priyanka Gandhi is able to attract both its traditional vote bank and minority votes tgen it will harm both BJP and SP and BSP alliance. Traditionally the Congress Party has a vote share of about 30% which has dwindled in the last 20 years in UP. And if Priyanka Gandhi is able to attract both its traditional vote bank and minority votes then it may win 20 to 25 seats in Parliamentary election .
With MP,Rajsthan and Chhattisgarh in its direct control,then the Congress Party can see its revival in 2019.