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Friday 18 July 2014

Malaysian Airlines Tragedy:A Terror InThe Sky

Shooting down the Malaysian Airlines plane by terrorists in Ukrainian territory is really very shocking incident in modern times as298 people have lost their lives without any crime.Ukrainian crisis has ritsulted into the complete turmoil in this part of Europe and continued fight has badly damaged administrative machinery,political control and social order in this region.As explained in my blog Ukrainian crisis or Beginning of the second revolution that foul play of vested Western interest groups and counter strategy of Russian block has created a volatile situation in Ukraine.

The unfortunate Malaysian Plane MH17was on its regular flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on the busy rout when it was shot  down by missile by Russian rebel group over Donetsk at the altitude of 33000 feets.Initially the insurgents group denied shooting down of the plane but its top leader Igor Strelkov later on admitted that rebels have shot down the plane under mistaken identity of Ukrainian AN-26 military plane. 

Malaysia had suffered badly this year as it is the second plane of its airline that has met with the tragic end.Afew months ago its flight MH370 disappeared and till today there is no clue of its disappearance.Malaysian PM has announced an enquiry into the incident and promised the people thst responsible persons will be brought to justice.There is a shok wave in the world as it is among some most dastardly acts of world airline history.In 1973 a Libyan plane was shot down killing 113 passengers,then in 1979 Air Rhodesiaand in1983Korean Airlines plane was shot down.Similarly in 1988 an Iranian plane was also dhot down killing 290 passengers.

As a result of this shooting down major airlines have changed their rout .Us has imposed harsher restrictions on Russia and assuref Malaysian government for all possible support.Majority of the passengers belong to Netherlands and Malaysia. Only one crew member is reported to be from India.UNSC has asked for an independent enquiry and guilty should be brought to justice.Ukrainian government has blamed Russian supported rebels for this dastardly act but Russia has put the blame on Ukrainian army.As this blame game continued there is uproar in the world community over this inhuman act.It is an important thing to note that why did the shooting down take place after BRICS meeting where an important decision was taken by to form BRICS BANK.Is it a move to trap Russia and put more sanctions on it?

It was also  reported that an AI plane was also behind the fateful Malaysian plane.One intrguing question is still to be answered why did International Aviation Agency allow to operate on this route when it knows thst eastern Ukraine is a war zone and such shooting down of planes was earlier reported? The Buk missile used in shooting down of the plane is used by both Russian rebels and Ukrainian military so it will be really difficult to find out who has carried out the attack.

Palestine Crisis: An Unholy War For A Holy Land

The recent crisis in the Middle East between Israel  and Palestine may at the surface appear to be started due to the killing of the three youth of Israel but its root causes are different from what appears at the surface.Two Nations Israel and Palestine are fighting the battle of self determination and dominance over the disputed Holy Land of Jerusalem.The dispute between people of Palestine and Israel over the Jerusalem city ,Gaza Strip and West Bank areas is century old .To solve this problem in 1947 the UNSC  recommended that Western Palestine should be partitioned into a Jewish State,an Arab dominated Palestine State and a UN controlled Territory around Jerusalem. It led to declaration of creation of the State of Israel and the same day United Armies of seven Arab States invaded Israel but they were badly defeated and Israel annexed the territory more than what it was proposed for Jewish State.

 In 1949 Jordon,Syria,Lebnon and Egypt signed Armistic Agreement with Israel under which Gaza Strip,West Bank were occupied by Egypt and Jordon annexed East Jerusalem.This War led to exodus of 711000 Palestine Arabs from the area.Later on Israel passed several laws to prevent Palestinians to return their home land and claiming property and even Arab States also denied rights of people of Palestine to return which created a problem of Palestine Refugees .In Israel it is known as Ethnic Cleansing through which it legally and ilegally allowed Jewish settkements in occupied areas of Palestine.The war also led to return of 850000 jews from Arab world. And it created a permanent flash point between Israel and Palestine and further led to the second Arab-Israel War in 1971.The people who deserted their home land are claiming their rights on West Bank ,Bolan hights and Gaza Strips but Israel claims that the area belongs to it and as a result people of Palestine have formed Palestine Liberation Organization(PLO) led by Yasser Arafat to fight for their rights.

                                    Map of Israel and Palastine
But the fight between Palestine and Israel has its another historical dimensions.The roots of the present day fight can be traced back to 19th century with the rise of Nationalist Movements like Zionism andArab Nationalism.The word Zionism is derived from the name of a hill called Zion near Jerusalem.The main cause of beginning of Zionism movement in Europe and other parts of the world was Anti Semitism which led to execution of Jews population all over the Europe.Therefore Zionist movement called for the establishment of a nation State.Zionism movement was started by Theodor Herzl in 1897. Jewish State in Palestine,considered to be located on the Holy Land and serve as a Haven for the Jewish people. According to Judaism,Christianity and Islam Erets Israel is a land promised by God to the Jews ;therefore they have a duty to fulfill God's will.

The Jews who were expelled from Palestine by Roman but they have also suffered when Babyloinians
captured Israel in 586BC and they also destroyed the First Temple of Jews.As a result Jews went to all over the world for their survival but whenever policy of the State was anti Jews they suffered the worst kind of massacre,execution and humiliation. The historical references of establishment of Zionist State in Jerusalem has been an strong religious desire of Jewis movement for more tgan a millenium,but it was also in conflict with Arab Nationalism.As a result there have been anti Jews attacks and riots in 1882 onwards. An adventurous Jew Cresson established the first Jews settlement near Jerusalem in1850 by puchasing land.Surprisingly he was contested to be a lunatic by his wife and children.In 1903 Zionist Congress declined a British offer for establishing Jewish home land in Uganda.Russian Jews  forced Britain to reconsider the demand for establishment of Jewish home land in Palestine and it came in the form Balfour Declaration in 1917 and in 1922 the League of Nations adopted the Declaration and granted mandate to Britain the Palestine Mandate.
                       The First meet of World Zionist Organistion
Growth of Zionism  in Palestine has been a matter of contention between Jews and Arabs abd Amin al Husayni the leader of Supreme Muslim Council instigated anti Jews riots in Hebron and Safed in which thoudand of Jews were killed and their property was vandalised. Duringthe 1936-39  Arab revolt in Palestine Amin al Husaynee joibed Nazi military operation in the region of Palestineand even Hilter promised that he would eliminate the existing Jewish foundations in Palestine after the victory in the war. IIin resulted into appointment of many commissions out of which the Peel Commission for the first time reconmended two state solution.After the World War UN tried to solve the ussue if Palestine but situation got worse because Fedayeen groups were formed to fight againt Israel.Fedayeen used the technique of pelting stones.

Zionism also sought to assimilate with the modern world but due to ethnic cleaning approach ,UNO in 1975 passed a resolution declaring Zionism as a form of Racism and Racial Discrimination but later on in 1991 the resolution was removed.The unholy story of formation of Israel continued and fight for Home Land of Palestine people also became more bloody.In 1973 the Syrian and Egyptian armies started a surprise attack on Israel and in the first two days they made good advances butlater on the momentum shifted in the favor of Israel and on UN intervention a ceasefire was signed to end the war.It also led to Camp David Accords in 1978 for future negotiations. 

The PLO and other terrorist organization also hijacked an Air France Plane in 1976and flown to Uganda where they threatened to kill 100Jews but in a commando operation Israel not only rescued its people but killed all the hijackers.Again in 1978 more than one dozen Palestinians terrorist entered through sea in Israel and they hijacked a bus and killed thirty seven civilians.Israel finally ended the ceasefire when an assassination attempt was made on its Ambassador in Britain in1982and attacked Lebnon to protect its boarder in the North.Israel captured Beirut ,the capital of Lebnon and finally under international pressure it allowed Arafat and Fahat to go to Tunis.During the war Israel and Phalangist Christan Arab Militia carried out the bloody Sabra and Shatila Massacre killing about three thousand innocent Palestine people.The Palestine further suffered a jolt when 200000 Palestinians were ordered to leave Kuwait after Gulf War due to association of Arafat with Saddam Hussein and it also led cutting of the funds to PLO which brought PLO to the brink of a crisis.
                           Israeli PM with Cliton and Arafat

In the meantime Hamas was founded  as an alternatve organisation by Ahmed Yassin andAbdel Aziz al-Rantissi to lead armed resistance against Israel.In1993US president Bill Clinton ,Israel PM Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat met  in Oslo and decided to work on the two nation theory.It led to the establishment of the Palestinian Authority over Gaza Strip and West Bank and many components of a modern day government were formed.In the return the Palestinians were asked to show more tolerance towards Israel.But due to pressure at both the sides ,there were many attacks and counter attacks.Once again  on September 28,Robin and Arafat signed the Israel-Palestine Intrime Aggreement on the area of West Bank and Gaza Strip but in the Israel there was great opposition to the concessions given to Palestine and it led to Assassination of PM Rabin on 4thNovember 1995. In 1996 elections Benjamin Netanyahu became the PM and he was opposed to concessions to be made to the Palestine and the status of Jerusalem.In 1999 Barak became PM of Israel who continued the policy of Rabin .Barak ,Bill Clinton and Arafat once again met in July 2000 atCamp David and here Arafat failed to make a historical move despite given a good opportunity to settle the issue.

After the death of Arafat ,the whole PLO movement came under hardliners of Hamas who are fighting against Israel through arms  and funds supplied by Iran,Syria and other Arab countries.A fragile six months truce was signed between Hamas and Israel a d it ended in 2008.The Israeli arny started once again targeting civilians.And present day fights are outcome of this continued war. No doubt killing of three Israeli yougths is bad but what Israel is doing is barbaric.More then 300 innocent civilians have died in rocket attacks and many more injured.Both the Supper Powers US and Russia are watching the ongoing fight and UN has simply requested to refrain from violence.

                                             Hamas leader killed by Israel

The crux of the problem is that Israel has its geographical designs and the people of Palestine have their fundamental and basic problem of home land lost to a coutry which is not listening to the world community.Israel has dropped leaflets asking residents to leave the cities of West Bank and GazaStrip as it suspects thst the terrorists are firing rockets from these areas and therefore Israel will launch attacks.Recently  the number of casualties of children has increased creating shockwaves in the world and acts of Israel is being criticised by human right organisations.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Vaidik Meeting With Hafiz Saeed:A Political Bluder Of New Government

The recent meeting of a so called Indian journalist Mr Ved Pratap Vaidik ,with Hafiz Saeed in Pakistan has raised political temperature in India as it has disrupted both the houses of Parliament.As opposition parties are clamoring for strong action against Mr.Vaidik because he has not only defied normal moral practices and code of conduct of a journalist but his actions are also not in the interest of the nation. Mr. Vaidik has loose credentials as he is a political honey bee and had to leave PTI under doubtful circumstances.There are many questions which are not only intriguing but shocking for the nation as in what capacity a person who has nothing to do with the foreign policy matters and has no credentials of holding a position in the government ,has audacity to go to a neighboring country and discuss the matters on which neither he has any authority nor he has any role to play.

The whole visit of Pakistan is even more intriguing as it included members like ManiShankar Ayer ,Salman Khurshid the ex-foreign minister and sixty eight other members including Mr.Vaidik on the invitation of Regional Peace Institute of Islamabad The delegation went there for regional cultural exchange .Surprisingly the institute has  former ISI chief Assad Durrani as a member of its board.He is the person resonsible for sponsoring attacks on pandits in Jammu and Kashmir. When other members of the delegation returned Mr.Vaidik stayed back in Pakistan and visited many places against the normal Visa rules.His meeting with JUD leader Hafiz Saeed was arranged by a Pakistani journalist as claimed by Mr.Vaidik but he must kidding as Saeed is at the top of the list of World terrorist and US has placed huge amount of money on his head,and he is not accessible to even top journalists then how did a common looking Pakistani journalist was able to arrange the meeting in just on a phone call.People   must know that in Pakistan it is easier to PM or President but not Hafiz Saeed as it requiresISI and military clearance.

people may not be knowing background of Hafiz Saeed.He Iis the head of JUD a terrorist organisation and he had committef many heinous crimes agsinst India including attacks on Indian Parliament and Bombay 26/11.He is involved in many terrorist attacks and US has set a bounty of ten million US dollars on his head.He is an international absconder and an international terrorist.
Even more interesting is his arrival at Saeed's place and his prolonged meeting with the most wanted terrorist of India.There are no record and recordings of this meeting except what Mr.Vaidik has said after posting his picture with Saeed in social media.Mr.Vaidik as a journalist  is known for his self boasting and developing relationship with the politicians has also met Pakistani PM and a few leaders,but it is beyond imagination of a common man that how did he dare to sit along the most wanted terrorist and a man who always conspires to break India by waging a terror war.The logic forwarded by Mr.Vaidik that he wanted to read his mind and know his views on Modi visit to Pakistan.Why Mr.Vaidik who has given you this authority?And if it is a part of Track2 or Track3 Diplomacy then it is shocking as the new government seems to be in a great hurry toconsolidate its position in post US evacuation from Afghanistan.

If Mr.Vaidik could have stopped here then it was ok but he imposed him as the representative of the government and blasted him of his closeness with Indian PM and prevailed upon leaders in Pakistan to engage with him in serious talk.As a result of this the Indian High Commission has organized a press conference for him and speaking to a Pakistani journalist he said what he shouldn't have uttered in his wildest dream.He suggested a Iftekhar Sirazi that Kashmir and POK should be united and freedom should be given to Kashmiri people.What type of freedom you are talking Mr.Vaidik as people of Kashmir has their elected representatives and assembly and enjoying same freedom ss you are.
This clearly amounts to the sedition against India and he should be dealt with appropriate law.No body from India can be allowed to speak about dividing the country and correcting history according to his or her imagination.Now finally the government has made its position clear that it has nothing to do with such extra constitutional activities and Kashmir remains and will remain an integral part of the country.However inaction of government for such an act speaks volumes about his proximity with government establishment and a so called Yoga guru.When Yasin Mallik met Hafiz Saeed then BJP talked in highest volume and demanded stern actions then why not the same should be done with Ved Pratap Vaidik.

And defenseless Vaidik is talking all types of nonsense.He has asked in his so calked interview that how many wives Saeed has and what are his future plans ?Who will buy this theory and immature arguments?The government has to act now as Mr.Vaidik's extra constitutional act has not only put India national security at threat but he has also played in the hands of ISI as without its connivance it is not possible to meet such a high profile terrorist leader.Therefore question arises whose agenda Mr.Vaidik was carrying out?What prompted him to meet a terrorist whose hand are red with blood of innocent people?

Sunday 6 July 2014

Controversy on Article 370

In the recent times often some political parties especially BJP have raised the issue of Article 370 of Indian constitution under which special protection and privileges have been given to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.The Article370 of Indian Constitution is a law that grants special autonomous status to Jammu andKashmir and it is drafted in Part XXI of the Constitution which relates to Temporary,Transitional and Special Provisions.Now controversy related to this Special Provision for Jammu and Kashmir is nothing new because time and again this issue is raised to create sensationalism in political circle.Those who are unaware of ground reality of the Kashmir issue may imagine that a single stroke is just needed to change historical blunder as they call about Article370 but any constructive and meaningful debate on Article370 requires a separation of myth from reality and facts from fiction.One has to look into the volatile situation of 1947 and criminal design of British government to disintegrate India into various parts so that in the near future their political ambition is fulfilled.The then Governor Mountbatten played a critical and crucial role in the partition of India and also pursuaded Indian leadership to go to the UNO to seek seizefire and to maintain peace in Kashmir.However it proved to be a great blunder on the part of India as it led to internationalisation of Kashmir issue.

The process of Partition of the country was fixed on the religious lines to complicate the issue further and atmosphere at that time never allowed any political thinker to take gross reality into the consideration and their views and ideas fondled and toppled according to the changing situations.As Pakistan was claiming Jammu and Kashmir to be its part and King Hari Singh was not very committal on the issue of accession into Union of India,therefore Nehru and his cabinet decided to make some concessions to both Hari Singh and Sheikh Abdullah and other members from  Jammu and Kashmir in the Constituent Assembly including Mirza  Afzal Beg and Maulana Masoodi.However Sadar Patel was not in favor of any such arrangements in which Jammu and Kashmir was becoming a part of India but not recognizing sone important provisions of Constitution such as Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy.But situation was so tricky and volatile that tge government conceded this demand of Sheikh Abdullah that people of Jammu and Kashmir will live under a separate laws relating to Citizenship;Ownership of property and fundamental rights as compared to other Indian citizens.Only matters related to Defence,Foreign Affairs and Communication and Ancillary matters as specified in the Instruments of Accession will be applicable to Jammu and Kashmir

Now the question of Article370 and its implementation must be viewed in regards to historical back ground ,not on myths and fictions which often give a different color to the whole issue.No doubt there was divergent opinion between Nehru and Patel on this matter.Patel wanted a permanent solution to the problem of Jammu&Kashmir but Nehru was in a state of confusion and he did not want to complicate the issue so he appointed V.Ayangar an ICS official to negotiate with Sheikh Abdullah on the issue of merger of Jammu and Kashmir into India.India was facing fire on the two fronts ;from Pakistan which claimed Jammu and Kashmir as its part and internal rebellion from Sheikh Abdullah who wanted independent State of Jammu and Kashmir. Sheikh Abdullah pushed his demand to the extreme that Mr.Ayanger became frustrated and he wrote to Nehru that he is finding it difficult to meet demands of Sheikh Abdullah.At that time Nehru was in US and he rquested Patel to look into the matter.When Patel got Sheikh Abdullah settled then Contituent Assembly members outrightly rejected the proposal to give special treatment to a particular state.Somehow Patel was able to convince the members of the Constituent Assembly on the issue of Article370 and it was approved by it.After that Patel said to his PA you see Nehru will have to cry for what he has done.What we have today is not the whole Kashmir but its large parts are still under control of Pakistan and China.The tragic story of Kashmir is never ending as governments after government failed to take strong stand on this issue and merely created hype about the situation.

Much fiction prevails about autonomous status granted under Article370 as such provisions are also granted to many hilly areas of India including Himachal Pradesh.Furthermore the autonomy enjoyed by Jammu and Kashmir is a shadow if its former self as Ordinance issued by the the President have limited it to a large extent.At the same times many judgments regarding the status of women have clearly removed any doubts that a woman marrying any non Kashmiri will loose her status of permanent citizen.As regards to Iimposition of Article 356,prior approval of the State Assembly is required.There are some complications on the issues like Jammu and Kashmir having its own flag and citizenship laws.Many argue that why are these special privileges given to thisState only.Are they promoting separatist feelings?
The issue of revoking Article370 unilaterally is very complicated and it is not possible as for that we require a new Constituent Assembly of the State however the Parliament has tge power to change this situation and provision.Therefore,time and again the clamoring that the Article 370 should be removed and Jammu&Kashmir should be made a full fledged State of India like all other States may not be wise step rightnow.Historical blunders cannot be solved with another mistake as it will internationalise this issue.Rather slowly we should try to involve people of Jammu&Kashmir in the mainstream and it will weaken the influence of separatist forces .