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Friday, 31 January 2014

Untold story of 1984-Anti Sikh Riots

Recent controversy cropping out of Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi's statement regarding anti Sikh riots of 1984 is a sign of political immaturity. It is unfortunate also because time and again Indian politicians have the habit of giving inflamatory speeches and going for memory refreshing mode. No doubt riots are inhuman and the most cruel act of mankind. There may be intances when due to administrative failures or miscalculation about certain incidence, a group of people may create a situation of suspicion and hatred. But when a political party and its leaders are involved in an organized crime against a particular community then it is an unpardonable crime.

Whatever happened in 1984, after the death of  our beloved PM Late Indira Gandhi was not a spontaneous public reaction but a preplanned massacre and the mayhem that continued for three days is unpardonable. I remember when this news was flashed on DD everybody was in a state of shock and grief. Nobody was thinking it as an act of one community acting against other. But as Late Rajeev Gandhi reached Delhi and a few Congress leaders started giving provocative speeches, then the situation turned violent and a group of people started pelting stones on a particular community.They even went on to convince Rajeev Gandhi that Gyani Jail Singh is not in favour of you becomming PM and he might invite Pranab Mukherjee to take oath. Actually it were these leaders who gave slogan- "Khoon ka badala Khoon. "when the car of our former President was attacked near AIIMS, then all mayhem broke out. A group of people attacked Sikh community at INA market in a pre planned manner and then it became free for all as both PM and Home Minister became contactless or untraceable.  According to the press secretary ,of  the then President,  Home Minister Narsimha Rao was busy in saving his dear friends and police became mere spectators.

When Delhi was burning Home Minister was not even thinking of ordering police take actions against rioters. And more surpringly army was called and deployed after seventy two hours. It is said that local level Congress workers were instigated by a few leaders and hidden hatred in the back ground of terrorism in Punjab was flared up to kill more than three thousand innocent people.It was an organized crime well supported by many Congress leaders, not so much influenced by their own suffering but to show their loyalty to the Gandhi family and Congress governmentnot only supported these leaders but rewarded them by making them ministers. Everybody who helped in the derailment of the investigation was also rewarded in the due course of time.Now qquestion arises What was PM doing? To the utter shock and surprise of common man , he said that when a bug tree falls such termor is natural.Who is that big tree that became bigger than moral and constitutional resposibility of the PM and his cabinate. How can a government allows massacre of its own people for three days under a pretext of termor or being busy with the funeral?  This hidden agenda of the Congress Party should be exposed so that those who have suffered should at least get  justice after 30 years.

This is what Rahul Gandhi indicated in his interview on TIMES NOW. Why to be so perturbed? What Rahul Gandhi is saying now is known to every Congressman, bureaucrat
 and politician. The only thing that is to be seen is the courage to speak the hidden truth of the most indecent story of post independece India. Thanks to Rahul Gandhi, we again started discussing the riots. The Sikh community feels betrayed because even after 30 years and six commission enquiries, no big fish has been caught, clearly due to Government inaction and ill intention to absolve leaders. Now Congress Party is very much disturbed because AAP's government had decided to set up SIT to investigate 1984 riots. As expected by the people, a Congress MLA has begun the same old act of derailing the investigation. One should be very careful about such act as this issue is a very emotional issue.If everything is alright then why is Cogress worried? The main cause of worry is that all hidden truth and story of derailing tactice of both CBI and Delhi Police will come out.

Read more about Operation Bluestar here

Thursday, 30 January 2014

US Dilemma on Outsourcing

In recent years American economic downturn has created a big Delimma on the issue of  free trade. In principle US policy makers agree that with the establishment of WTO free trade regime will benefit both world economy as well as US economy. In fact they played a key role in the establishment of WTO.Outsourcing means subletting insignificant jobs to outsiders so that a firm remains focused on the main issues and activities . Although there has been an uproar in Western World over  outsourcing but it may not be so bad as it allows the companies to reduce the cost so that  they remain in business at competitive terms .Outsourcing in fact helps during the time of recession when survival depends upon cost cutting. What is important here to note that outsourcing follows the basic principle of foreign trade as prescribed by the great economist David Ricardo under his COMPERATIVE COST THEORY;" that a country should specialized in the production of only those goods in which it has a cooperative cost advantage" Ricardo was a great advocate of free trade and his theory  was well accepted by Capitalist world.  Nobody then thought that the same theory could be the base model for business in the twenty first century. The opponents of free trade and outsourcing are unable to explain why is it bad when it is saving resources to be used for future development and why not a business firm be allowed to do the business at purely on monetary terms. US Delima is not based on real calculations as till date data are not available to either support or oppose outsourcing on the basis of cost benefits analysis and  United States doesn't have comperative advantage due to high labor costs and strong dollar. Emergence of China and India as a source of cheap labor centers with expertise man power in IT sector is what troubling America as many companies prefer some non core jobs to be performed at cheaper rates for competitive gains. No doubt outsourcing reduces cost but it hsd its own cost for the economy.
Outsourcing is good at micro level but when it is applied by the whole industry or the economy then it creates problem of unemployment. It is this aspect which is hurting US economy and the government is forced to take anti outsourcing stand. In US there are both supporters and anti of outsourcing. Initially when US economy was doing well and manufacturing sector was rising then US government supported this policy.  But now with the high rate of unemployment (10% ) and falling output , the government is busy in calculating the pros and cons of the steps it had taken to promote outsourcing and any reversal of the policy is bound to be damaging to the cause of economic development of the world economy. However it may be noted here that outsourcing has become a bad word in US and the policy makers say be American and buy American .

But with arrival of President Obama , US economic policy makers are determined to break away from free trade regime. Now US administration will apply harsh policy measures against those firms which are outsourcing jobs to both India and China. The clear massage it that  US administration will support those firms investing in domestic economy than the firms outsourcing jobs and creating unemployment in the economy.It Iis feared that next year the rate of unemployment will be even higher than 10% therefore drastic measures are required to bring the economy on the track. Further Obama administration is facing a tough situation in regards to fiscal deficit .Therefore it is going back to protectionism.

According to Obama it is necessary because US  is facing a new type of threat where benefits of domestic economy is not being distributed among residents but going out. Continuing the same line Obama government has also decided to bring radical changes in L-1and H1B visa rules to limit outsiders entry in US. This step will directly affect Indian Economy as it will restrct entry of Indian IT professionals in US.It will further complicate this issue.
Now question arises that why is Obama administration doing this. The answer is clear. In post recession period Obama administration is left with no other choice than to protect US economy through a  new type of protectionism regime at the cost of free trade theory. In recent times rising unemployment is a big issue and solutions are not easy. Progress of China in manufacturing sector has given a big jolt to US. Therefore, outsourcing related development of Indian Economy will have to suffer. 

Monday, 27 January 2014

Indo-Japanese Friendship

On  the occasion of 65th Republic Day celebrations a new beginning  was made in the relationship between India and Japan and a new dimension was given to India's Looking towards East policy when Japanese PM became chief guest.  Among many agreements, Japan  was given responsibility to create infrastructural facilities in North Eastern States. It is a new policy measure to check growing influence of China in Asia. It is also a tit for tat  policy for both China and Pakistan  for their alleged interference in Pak occupied Kashmir in the name of building roads.
With Japan having irritating relationship with China in recent times on issues of islands in East China sea , it and  finds India as a reliable friend in controlling growing Chines hegemony in Asia.

So India has gained double adged advantage on this Republic Day-- required economic cooperation at critical time and development of the infrastructure in North East areas , a  long pending security solution .China considers that this region is disputed but this step  will give strength to  India's look east policy.

So this is a beginning of a friendship in need as in recent times Japanese Yen is losing its shine and Indian trade balance is in need a new support. Japan can also help in nuclear power programme by supplying enriched uranium. Let hope that this friendship goes in long way in serving people in both the countries. In longer perspectives this new tie between India and Japan will serve as a bridge between US India and Japan.Indias' s decision to recognise Japan as normal nation for its military purchases will further strenthened role of Japan in military modernisation of India as it goes beyond a normal practice of buying arms from Western world.And Japan open door policy for Indian products will give a boost to foreign trade.Development of road transpot system between India Myamar and Thailand will create new bond in bilateral ties.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Modi Wave in Indian Politics

In recent times it is a hotly debated issue in Indian politics that what will happen in the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections.  There are divided views in this regard . Rather it is better to to say that there are three political blocks---BJP led NDA which is riding on anti incombancy factors of the UPA government which is engulfed with various allegations of corruption.

Second block of course belongs to incammbancy UPA government which is riding on so called secularism and populist programmes and advertisement of BHARAT NAV NIRMAN slogan.

And the Third Front comprises various political parties with conflicting ideologies.  However the Third Front feels that it is a right time to syncronise its energy and work hard to  maximise its gains. Politics has also given a chance to some new political groups. It has given a scope to a new force AAP to twist its arms and fill the vacuum created by third front. However its actual impact is yet to be seen at the national level. Despite its amazing performance in Delhi assembly elections, it will be a hasty conclusion to give this party a position of game changer.
Now a million dollar question is that why people feel that there is a Modi Wave in India. Actually Narendra Modi's rise is a meteoric phenomenon in Indian politics. His outstanding administrative capability and growth related image has made him unparallele political personality.

BJP is in a euphoric mood as North Indian States are going to give never thought victory to this party . Surveys conducted by several agencies project him to be the next PM provided his party gets support of Jagan Reddy, Mamta Bannerjee and Jay Lalita as it will provide nearly 75 seats .
sses of the Indian Economy during Congress Rule

Since Jagan Reddy had to suffer because of his differences with Congress Leadership therefore, he might support Modi. Jay Lalita's good relations with Modi will make his position more comfortable. Now everything depends on Mamta. BJP has to do some good political management. And recent developments are  making Modi chances even better. In Bihar LJP led by Ram Vilas Paswan entered into the fold od NDA and it is considred to be a great gains.It is the first party to join NDA which will help both Modi and Paswan in Bihar. Even  DMK head Karunanidhi is willing to join hands with Modi. It is hoped that within 15 to 20 days a few leaders of Congress and other parties will join BJP.It has two folds impact on prospects; first, it will absolve Modi from his so called communal and Hindu image and secondly it has given big jolt to the Congress to form a formidable front against NDA.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Failure of UNO Efforts in Syrian Crisis

In recent meet of UNO in Switzerland to solve Syrian crisis seems to be going out of the place because both the parties Assad government and fighting United Opposition, are attending the meet with different agenda. 

Syrian delegation is adamant to justify its attacks on innocent people under pretext of fighting against terrorists, however there is no justification for how all the people are either terrorist or their supporters.  Syrian crisis may appear simple from the top , however the root of this crisis is very complex because it has ethnic dimensions, political deprivation of a large section of society, economic subjugation of people by the elite group and misdeeds of an autocratic ruler, president Assad, who is hellbent upon crushing the uprising of the people.Everything was going good till December 2010, when anti government protests began in Tunisia and very soon spreaded all over the Arab World.Political thinkers call it Arab Spring.Although in Syria, conflict began with a minor protest against government corruption and human rights abuse in January2011, and Assad government responded with large scale arrest and torture of people.However protests continued and Assad government started military action against protesters. A group of defected army officers formed a group known as Free Syrian Army (FSA). Lster on anti government groups formed an organisation known as Syrian National Council. The government repondded in a  very brutal way and to crush protests it has used chemical weapon. Arab League, UNOand international community reacted very sharply and asked the government to store human rights as well as political rights for the people. However the government refused to respect international request and further intensified air attacts on fighters and innocent people.

Syrian civil war has both political and economic interests of  five groups-Russia, the largest supplier of arms and the largest benificiary from Syrian economy; US, feels deprived of gains in the oil market and feels as looser in this region due to Russian dominance; Turky, Qatar and SaudiArab who feel unrest in Syria will affect their interests in this region; The UNO which feels being non performer in this issue and finally Syrian
 fighters who say that they are fighting for the independence of the nation. But all of them are unable to explain why people, who have everythingat stake, are suffering in the most brutal way
World community is worried about the unrest in this part of the world. 

It has been noticed that Al Qaeda is trying hard to build its base in this region therefore its fighters are participating in all those areas where disturbance is rising or it is on the verge of blasting. 
Whatever may be reason for struggle but one thing is clear that establishment is under threat in this area. Old style of governance is under scan. Since people aspirations have suffered badly in last fifty years therefore dissatisfaction among people is also rising day by day. 
UN is anxious to resolve this problem as soon as possible as it is affecting oil supply all over the world. 

Read more about the Syrian Unrest here.

Both US and Russia have their own interests and China is a new player in this area. Since Russia has strongh hold in this country and US wants to have full control on oil trade ,hence it is supporting fighting guerillas. Further US has its military interest in this region.  As a result,  Syrian triangle has uniquely 5 angles - President Asad; Fighting guerrillas; US; Russia and Arab World and the UN has become a mere spectator.

Monday, 20 January 2014

An Agitator Chief Minister

It is a historical day in the history of modern Democracy as a State Government is agitating against outdated and rotten administrative system in India.
Many people may have different connotation about the present agitation, however   I have a firm faith in people of the nation who will be a torch bearer of participative democracy. In fact it the
system that evolved in last sixty five years totally oblivious of pain and problems of the people have forced Arvind Kejriwal and his Government to take this extreme step.

How can a  State Government run without its own police? Some people are saying wait for the enquiry ordered by LG and then go for agitation. But why and what for?  Is it not sufficient that a Chief Minister feels some police personal are guilty of misbehaving with the minister?

Political parties are opposing this step? Do we know why? Because their political base seems to be eroded . What face they will have in the light of this agitation? Where they will go? What face they will show to the people?
Let us realise that a State Government needs its own police to serve the people. How can a Chief Minister will serve the state without administrative mechanism? We have to take a different view of the whole situation.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Delhi Police

                AAP's Reaction Against Delhi Police

In recent times it has been a very crucial question whether police is actually a servant of society or it has become a tool of political management. The comment is outcome of common man,s experience in both pre and post independence India . The brutality arrogance and inhuman behaviour of Police in India is actually the outcome of its origins during British period and failure to reform police in post independence period. Despite outcry of many social reformists the government has not paid any attention to this issue and the outcome is disastrous. 

In recent times Supreme Court has to pass serious indictment on the behaviour of the police and even passed order to implement police reform. Now AAP minister's  behaviour may be criticised for unorthodox act but it can not be out of the context to state here that in last sixty six years  in the method of governance people's problems have gone to back stage. It is the reason why a Minister has to act on request of people. Question is why not police has not taken suitable steps to ensure healthy living of people?
What may be the reasons, no government can function without its own police. We have to develop some mechanism under which for some extent Delhi Police has to be brought under control of Delhi Govt.

The behaviour of Delhi Police officers with Ministers is totally unjustified. No public officer is allowed to behave publically in that manner. Strict action should be taken against such misbehaving officials . whatever differencsyou may have how can a police officer point out his finger towards the minister. When it comes to maintaining law and order police seems to be a mere spectators. Why not responsibility should be fixed on police officials for such regular failure of administration. We have seen police action during last to the last December heneouse crime. Where was police at that time?  What have happened to those police officers who have been indicted by the court?
This is the reason why police doesn't want to be brought under the control of Delhi Government because then it will be answerable for its misdeeds. In the light of rampant corruption it is necessary to ensure that police remains answerable to both people and government. The recent statement of former home secretary is an eye opener. Lets deliver the goverenance which people actually deserve.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Unrest in Middle East


West Asia is passing through a critical phase of its history. After the demolition of old regime in Egypt, the alliance government has failed to provide stability in the country. It seems that the populist government has not been able to establish its control over the entire Egypt. As a result time and again there is unrest in the country which is not in the interest of the entire region. Continuous violence will not only jeopardise oil supply to the world but will affect economic prospects of entire Asia in Twenty first century

Along with Egypt, Syrian crisis is causing more trouble to this West Asian region. Syrian government is acting against the demands of the people. The new things that give me some relief is that Iran has agreed to allow the inspection of its nuclear power stations by aninternational agency and US and Iran are on peaceful terms for the  time being. This will ease oil supply to the entire world. I hope that US will have a second thought on its West Asia policy. Both US and Iran should work together to create peace in this region.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Conflict within AAP

Conflict within AAP

The period of mass hysteria towards Kejriwal government seems to be getting over because AAP is engulfed with a variety of conflicts among its frontline leadership. The open criticism is getting louder and louder about deviations from interests of the common man. The party which rose to the limelight on the issues of free water supply to the people and cutting down electricity tariff rates by 50% now do not much echo in the recent agenda of the government. The Common Man feels cheated as much awaited reliefs are now conditional.

Similarly untimely controversies created by Prashant Bhushan on the Kashmir issue and statements of Kumar Vishwas on religious issues are bound to create difficulties fot AAP inthe near future.
As if these controversies were not enough for a new born party the revolt of Vinod Kumar Binny on the issue of Loksabha election ticket has given a big blow to the image of the party. The likely message going to the Common Man from these issues is that AAP is not a party with difference but simply a new party that will  make many compromises with its political ideology in its natural course of growth.  Advice - "Speak less and remain focused on your original agenda and ideology because Common Man says perform or perish"

Sunday, 12 January 2014

New taste of AAP Administration

In recent times there is a growth of new political class and party which gives me an idea of new political experience ie. people's participation in the administration. AAP's government in Delhi is the outcome of frustration of people with the ideology of different political parties.

However, there is a word of caution in this regard. Excess of emotional burst of people may not last for a longe period of time. Recent failure of Janata Darbar indicates that emotions of people are very high and the problems of people are too complicated. Therefore, the new government needs to be very  careful on these issues.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Double Standard Of US in Diplomatic matters

US Embassy, New Delhi

It has been noticed in the recent past that the behaviour of US in diplomatic matters is a blatant misconduct of normal practice agreed by all the nations under Vienna Convention. All the nations agreed that foreign diplomats will get full immunity against law of the land where they are posted. This practice is followed by most of the nations on most of the occasions. But the recent episode of Indian diplomat Devyani is not only unfortunate but a clear cut violation of rules and regulations agreed upon.
Devyani Khobragade

Perhaps US doesn't realise the economic and political implications of this issue. If India takes a strong position in this matter then the US economy has to face serious consequences as India is a major buyer of its weapons. Being a large trade partner, any tussle in this matter will affect both the economies badly.
Secondly, why are some US officials taking so much interest in Sangeeta Richard's matters when her service agreement can not be governed by US rules as payment made by US embassy in India can't be forced to follow Indian rules.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Rat race towards AAP

In recent times there is a growth of new political class with a new ideology. People with selfless ideology are welcomed to join the new movement.  AAP's recent movement to increase or  to enrol new members is a  welcomed move but there is a note of caution. Those  who are joining AAP should be in line with the ideology of the AAP. We have seen that such movements in which people lacking ideology had taken part in fact destroyed the political party. 

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Confused Kejriwal..

Confused Kejriwal. .

Every political party has its course of birth like Congress was born under the freedom struggle and followed a culture of petitions and resolutions. BJP was born under a nationalist agenda mixed with emotional issues. Now AAP is born under  confusion. It declares something at a moment and takes another line the very second moment. Actually AAP started on high note of political morality and swaraj therefore it has to adopt some steps which may be non traditional or may be calked new to our political system.Many a times Political system may be so intriguing that  any new entrant in will face a puzzle- from where to start it cleansing.That is what  cofusing ARVIND Kejriwal . It is very crucial to examine that our political and administrative systems have become so complex and outdated that it requires a revlution not a simple chsnge of gaurd. It slso might be confusing Kejriwal The culmination of all these happens like that  he says on December 13th, "I will not take support from either BJP or Congress", before meeting the Lieutenant Governor on 14th. Eventually, AAP government is formed with the support of Congress. 

Secondly, AAP announced that no government vehicle and bungalows will be taken and used by the AAP members. But we can see what is the reality. (New Innova and Big houses! )

So we can conclude that finally AAP has started thinking about AAP.The system has forced to them to move from a very strong position to the flexible so that things can be accomodated.It has to be seen how many more such compromises are to be made so that AAP survives in the long run.